Home » Electronic Health Records Customers List » Cerner Millennium Customers List

Cerner Millennium Customer List

Cerner Millennium is one of the best EHR (Electronic Health Records) software in the digital health landscape. This comprehensive EHR system has empowered hospitals, clinics, medical facilities & institutions to manage and streamline patient record management processes globally. Allied Services, Alfred Health & Adventist Health West are some companies that use Cerner Millennium to provide efficient, high-quality patient care. According to healthcare innovation, Cerner Millennium has a 25% EHR market share.
InfoClutch’s verified Cerner Millennium customers list offers valuable data and insights for professionals. These include healthcare technology vendors, consultants, and service providers seeking potential clients. By leveraging this database, your business can efficiently target potential leads, and enhance marketing efforts. Businesses can also use this list to expand their customer base within the healthcare sector.

Who uses Cerner Millennium?

Several major healthcare institutions & organizations fall under the list of companies using Cerner Millennium.
Here is the list of companies using Cerner Millennium :
Company Name Website Location Revenue
Central Maine Healthcare cmhc.org United States 440.4 M
Universal Health Services uhs.com United States 13.4 B
CommonSpirit Health commonspirit.org United States 33.9 B
Broward Health browardhealth.org United States 1.4 B
Aultman Hospital aultman.org United States 920.1 M
ScionHealth scionhealth.com United States 7.3 B
Haskell Memorial Hospital haskellmemorialhospital.com United States 15.8 M
Kahuku Medical Center kmc-hi.org United States 11.8 M
Barts Health NHS Trust bartshealth.nhs.uk United Kingdom 2.5 B
Grand River Hospital grhosp.on.ca Canada 326.4 M
UZA uza.be Belgium 382.1 M
Michael Garron Hospital tehn.ca Canada 147.9 M
Grand River Hospital grhosp.on.ca Canada 259.8 M
Barts Health NHS Trust bartshealth.nhs.uk United Kingdom 2.5 B
Emory Healthcare emoryhealthcare.org United States 3.1 B

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    Companies Cerner Millennium


    Total Contacts Available

    How Segmenting Cerner Millennium Client List Help You?

    InfoClutch offers you a segmented list of various EHR softwares. This will allow you to segment customer data and formulate personalized business campaigns.
    Check out other EHR software that exists in our database

    How Can You Customize Our Cerner Millennium Customer List?

    Businesses targeting the EHR industry can customize specific details in our Cerner Millennium customer list to suit their needs. We make sure that our data adheres to all the recent industrial standards. You can customize your data from over 70+ unique data filters and build a suitable customer list.
    The table below shows a few data filters that you can choose for customization:
    First name Area of Specialization Ownership Type Postal Address
    Last name Industry Company Size Geographical Location
    Job Title NAICS Code Company Revenue Demographics
    Official Email SIC Code Company Website Technographics
    Work Experience Entity Type Assets Size And More!

    Records Available by Segment

    Total Contacts
    Total Postal Universe
    Total Emails Available
    Total Phone Numbers

    How Does the Cerner Millennium Client List Look Like?

    Our Cerner Millennium customer list can be tailored to suit your needs. No need to sit for countless hours and filter through records. Our experienced team ensures that only relevant and updated data is provided so that you can maximize your marketing efforts.
    Here is what our Cerner Millennium clients database looks like:
    Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
    BNG Holdings Inc www.bngholdingsinc.com ***5 P***rie Pa***ay Suite **98 West Fargo ND 58078 United States (***) 5**-**39 ** *.5 M 6153 Financial Services
    Coleman Cable Inc www.colemancable.com ***0 Sh***ds D***e Suite 01** Waukegan IL 60085 United States (***) 6**-23** **00 **4.6 M 3315 Wire & Cable
    Connecticut Fertility Associates www.ctfertility.com 4*** M*** S***et Suite *23 Bridgeport CT 6606 United States (***) 3*3-12** ** * M 8099 Health and Allied Services
    Draka USA www.drakausa.com *** Jo***h East W***er Bo***v*** Suite **2 Taunton MA 278 United States (***) **2-**44 ** *.2 M 3357 Drawing and Insulating of Nonferrous Wire
    Era Helicopters LLC www.erahelicopters.com Ci***en*** *** , v T*** & Co***ry Bo***v*** Suite **0 Houston TX 77024 United States (***) **9-47** **6 **1.8 M 4522 Air Transportation

    Which are the Other EHR Software? What is their Market Share?

    With several other players in the market, Cerner Millennium has been a leader when it comes to EHR software.
    Here’s a list of other EHR management softwares with their market share:

    No Data Found

    No Data Found

    Company Name Market Share
    Epic System Corporation 19.1
    Meditech 17.2
    CPSI (Computer Programs and Systems) 14.2
    Cerner Corporation 9
    Mckesson 8.6
    Healthland INC 7
    Siemens Medical Solutions USA 5.4
    Healthcare Management Systems 5.2
    Allscripts 4.1
    NextGen healthcare 2
    Other 8.2

    Number of Cerner Millennium Customers Based on Different Selects

    Cerner Millennium Customers by Employee Size

    No Data Found

    Cerner Millennium Customers USA State-wise

    No Data Found

    Cerner Millennium Customers by Revenue

    No Data Found

    Cerner Millennium Customers by Revenue

    No Data Found

    Cerner Millennium Customers by Industry

    No Data Found

    Cerner Millennium Customers by Industry

    No Data Found

    Cerner Millennium Customers by Country

    No Data Found

    Cerner Millennium Customers by Country

    No Data Found

    Get Access to a Customized Database!

    Who Can Benefit from Our Cerner Millennium Client List?

    Businesses that provide similar products or services to the healthcare industry can use our database to improve networking and business operations, and for making informed decisions. Top management professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and CEOs can use our Cerner Millennium customer list to identify market trends, competitors, and business growth opportunities.

    Use relevant data from our list to spot market opportunities relevant to your business.

    • Marketing Teams—Marketers can use our segmented data to better understand the industry, its size, and other parameters. They can run targeted campaigns based on a consolidated analysis of industry leaders in the EHR market.
    • Sales Professionals – InfoClutch’s customized Cerner Millennium client list can help your sales managers develop a targeted pitch deck with offerings that resonate with the requirements of businesses using EHR software.
    • Consultants – InfoClutch’s Cerner Millennium database can be invaluable to advisors and consultants for creating strategies and plans for businesses using Cerner Millenium software . Not only this, they can also use this data to track down new clients and bring in more business.

    How Professionals Can Use Our Cerner Millennium Customer List?

    Cerner Millennium Customers List
    Discover how professionals can leverage the segmented data and insights provided by InfoClutch’s Cerner Millennium customer list.

    Here are a few easy ways to use our list:

    • Accurate Market Insights – Get a clear picture of all the players in the EHR market and use it to speed up your business cycle and improve your product roadmap.
    • Targeted Account Based Marketing – This list offers segmented data, enabling professionals to focus their efforts on biggest accounts by improving interaction and business cycles.
    • Personalized Emails – Improve conversion rates by sending personalized emails to other businesses using Cerner Millennium.
    • Cold Calling – Performing cold calling can have a faster impact on the persuasion of the clients to make a business call to count in for sales.
    • Multi-channel Campaigns – Use our Cerner Millennium customer list to create multi-channel sales and marketing campaigns for your target market and audience. Focus your efforts by using different channels like social media marketing, email marketing, customer outreach and more.

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    Why Partnering With InfoClutch is The Right Decision For Your Business?

    InfoClutch’s Cerner Millennium customer list gives you headway when it comes to achieving your business goals.
    This comprehensive database allows businesses to stay ahead in the game, be it a customer acquisition funnel or revenue generation pipeline. Our data specialist uses the latest manual & automated technologies to provide verified and accurate details of companies using Cerner Millennium.
    All our datasets are uniquely created to suit the needs of our clients. This helps us create a database without any discrepancies or outdated information. To make sure you get the best service, we review all our data every 90 days to keep it relevant.

    Partner with InfoClutch today to – 

    • Avail your customer list in different formats like .xls, .txt, and .csv.
    • Integrate with ease into your existing CRM solution Launch successful multi-channel campaigns with segmented & customized datasets 
    • Adheres to CCPA, GDPR and CAN-SPAM regulations
    Get in touch with an expert to discuss your requirements for a customized database. Get ready to maximize the impact of your business with InfoClutch!

    FAQs About Cerner Millennium Customers Lists

    Cerner Millennium is an electronic health record (EHR) system used by hospitals and healthcare providers to manage patient medical data. It allows them to securely store and access patient information, improving care coordination and streamlining administrative tasks. This comprehensive system can also support billing and improve financial management for healthcare facilities.
    Cerner Millennium Client List is a database of companies using Cerner Millennium as their EHR management system. This list can be used to execute different business campaigns.
    Yes, You can easily customize any specific data parameters while creating a list of companies using Cerner. This way, it is easy for our customers to get access to relevant data that suits their needs.
    Our team works tirelessly to make sure that the information in our Cerner Millennium customer list is accurate. Moreover, we update our database every 3 months so that we have updated information on the customers who are actually utlizing Cerner Millennium.

    Need Cerner Millennium Customers List for Your Marketing Campaigns?

    We can provide you the list of companies and executives’ contacts from the same companies.

    Please submit your requirement below and we will get in touch with you shortly.!