Syncsort Customers List



Syncsort allows organizations in collecting, processing and distributing the ever-expanding data in less time and that too with fewer resources and low costs. It integrates critical data from the data systems to the high-level analytical platforms and applies the data quality capabilities for delivering business insights. The product is built to be an optimizer providing data integration space, unique to the software. It provides comprehensive solutions like Big data, Splunk, Cloud, and Hadoop.

The benefits which it provides are that user can design the data applications once and deploy it from anywhere, you get the end-to-end tracking, enterprise-grade like security, and management. The user can even integrate and access all the data sources both streaming and batch with a single interface.

The advanced version of Syncsort which is DMExpress 6 has features like enhancements in supporting business solutions, interoperability, decision making with insights, faster data integration performance, efficiency and speed adding value, and ease in the deployment and use.

Companies that use Syncsort

Company Name Website Location Revenue Contact Info
FedEx Logistics United States $89 Billion (901) 818-7500
Univision Communications Inc United States $2 Billion (212) 455-5200
Voya Financial Inc United States $4 Billion (212) 309-8200

Companies Using Syncsort, Market Share & Customers List

Data Integration Software Market Share (in %)

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Number of Syncsort Customers Based on Different Selects

Syncsort Customers by Country

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Syncsort Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Syncsort Customers by Industry

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Syncsort Customers by Revenue

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Syncsort Customers by Employee Size

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Companies Currently Using Syncsort (Sample Data)

Company Name Country Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
FedEx Logistics United States *50000 *5.5 B 4513 Air Courier Services
Univision Communications Inc United States *500 *.8 B 4833 Television Broadcasting Stations
Voya Financial Inc United States 6000 8.5 B 6211 Security Brokers, Dealers, and Flotation Companies

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