QuickBooks Desktop Customers List

QuickBooks Desktop

QuickBooks Desktop

QuickBooks Desktop has many products such as Mac, Pro, Premier, and enterprise. The user benefits of the QuickBooks Desktop products are core accounting which includes accounts receivable, general ledger, accounts payable and the bank reconciliation. There is a Payroll facility, depositing slips and other features helping in smooth financial transaction. The inventory management process automates the sending and creation of invoices. QuickBooks Desktop tracks the sales, orders and even the deliveries to maintain the supply of products. The financial reporting has the KPI which calculates balance sheet, profit loss statement and tracks the trends.

The benefits which QuickBooks Desktop provides are that it manages the suppliers, customers, bank accounts of the businesses. Its automation capability gives an edge over its competitors to provide the best of user experience. The financial reports are generated without any errors. It streamlines and manages the financial process of an organization for better productivity and efficiency. QuickBooks Desktop tracks the time of the financial process and avoids re-entry of any data thus avoiding duplication. Employee payroll is made easier with the feature of this software. The integration of QuickBooks Desktop provides access to the store managers to align the transaction and the accounting data from Magento stores to QuickBooks Desktop.

Companies that use QuickBooks Desktop

Company Name Website Location Contact Info
KerberRose www.kerberrose.com USA (715) 526-9400
McNally’s Bookkeeping www.mcnallysbookkeeping.com USA (610) 999-2974
Prudential Accounting www.prudentialas.wixsite.com USA (567) 318-2797
Today’s Hospitalist www.todayshospitalist.com USA (215) 997-9650

Companies Using QuickBooks Desktop, Market Share & Customers List

Accounting Software Market Share (in %)

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Number of QuickBooks Desktop Customers Based on Different Selects

QuickBooks Desktop Customers by Country

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QuickBooks Desktop Customers by State-wise in the USA

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QuickBooks Desktop Customers by Industry

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QuickBooks Desktop Customers by Revenue

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QuickBooks Desktop Customers by Employee Size

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Companies Using QuickBooks Desktop (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
1st Light Energy Inc. www.1stlightenergy.com *869 M*ff*t B*ul*v*rd Manteca CA 95336 United States (*09) **4-55*0 *58 *1.6 M 4931 Electric and other Services Combined
Banner Marketing www.bannerretail.com *620* * Indi*n* *v*nu* Suite 3240 Spokane WA 99216 United States (5*9) 9**-7*50 *1 *.2 M 7311 Advertising Agencies
Bridgewest Group www.bridgewestgroup.com 73*0 Mir*m*r R**d Suite 500 San Diego CA 92126 United States (*5*) 41*-*0*7 *1 *.2 M 6726 Unit Investment Trusts
Calas Group www.calasgroup.com 777 SW 37th *v*nu* Suite 510 Coral Gables FL 33135 United States (*05) 4*5-5*** *7 *.4 M 8721 Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services
Tender Loving Empire www.tenderlovingempire.com 4*2 NW C*uch Str**t Suite 412 Portland OR 97209 United States (50*) 54*-*9*5 *0 *.1 M 7929 Bands, Orchestras, Actors, and other Entertainers

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