QuickBooks Customers List

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Intuit QuickBooks

QuickBooks is an accounting software which mainly focusses on manufacturing products that are geared for small and medium-sized businesses. It is an online application that makes accounting easy by managing and organizing things in one place. Companies across the globe are using QuickBooks that runs on OS like Windows, MAC OS (available only in the USA) Tablets, and Phones. QuickBooks is available for many variants of businesses ranging from new businesses, professionals and field services like landscapers, wedding planners to product sellers like In-store, online and wholesale.

Most of the companies that use QuickBooks are small sized businesses. They use this software, as it is easy to use and once integrated, it serves adequately in reporting, organizing, and recording the financial data of companies. QuickBooks market share is around 80% with many new customers getting added each year. 

Customers who use QuickBooks are enjoying the benefits of its features such as managing multiple users, handling a good amount of transactional data, inventory workflows, and others. Revenues of the large companies that use QuickBooks have even exceeded $1000 million. QuickBooks is widely used as it provides the best features with actionable insights, dashboards, and tax calculation. 

While there are a lot of advantages QuickBooks can offer, there are many benefits like Precise Money Management, Payroll Management, Sales Tracking, and Easy Reporting. The cloud-based accounting software helps in managing your finances, track sales, create and send invoices, and know your business all at the same time. Intuit uses advanced industry-recognized safeguards to keep all the important data protected. It allows your accountants, colleagues, and bookkeepers to log on and work simultaneously. If you want to maximize your advantage and drive your business forward with customers of Intuit QuickBooks, our Intuit QuickBooks customers list will be the right option. 


Companies Using QuickBooks


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How Many Companies Use Quickbooks in USA ?

Here is the list of Companies that use QuickBooks in USA:

Company Name Website Location Revenue
CA Technologies www.ca.com United States $5 Million
EisnerAmper LLP www.eisneramper.com United States $323 Million
Melvin Mora www.melvinmora.com United States $5 Million
Tax & Business Matters www.taxandbusinessmatters.com United States $5 Million
Van Buren & Associates www.vanburenandassociates.com United States $5 Million

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    Companies Using QuickBooks, Market Share & Customers List

    Accounting Software Market Share (in %)

    No Data Found

    Company Name Market Share
    QuickBooks 62.23%
    QuickBooksADP 14.30%
    Sage 50 10.30%
    Xero 8.90%
    QuickBooks Online 4.35%

    Number of QuickBooks Customers Based on Different Selects

    QuickBooks Customers by Country

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    QuickBooks Customers by State-wise in the USA

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    QuickBooks Customers by Industry

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    QuickBooks Customers by Revenue

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    QuickBooks Customers by Employee Size


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    Total Contacts


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    Total Phone Numbers

    Companies Using QuickBooks (Sample Data)

    Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue in USD SIC Code SIC Industry
    CA Technologies www.ca.com *** Ma***on Av***e New York City NY 10022 United States (***) 2*5-5*** ***00 * B 7372 Web, Software and App Development
    EisnerAmper LLP www.eisneramper.com *** T***d Av***e New York NY 10017 United States (***) 9*9-***0 **00 **0 M 8721 Accounting, Auditing & Bookkeeping
    Melvin Mora & Associates Inc. Taxation + Business Services www.melvinmora.com ***18 *** N*** Blvd Pacoima CA 91331 United States (***) 8*9-6*** ** *M 8721 Accounting, Auditing & Bookkeeping
    Tax & Business Matters, LLC www.taxandbusinessmatters.com *** Uni***s*** B*** East Silver Spring MD 20901 United States (***) 4*8-***5 ** **3.6 K 7291 Tax Return Preparation Services
    Van Buren & Associates www.vanburenandassociates.com ***6 W*** 2**h St***t Suite * San Pedro CA 90732 United States (***) 5*9-8*** * **8.6 K 7322 Adjustment and Collection Services

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      Frequently Asked Questions

      There are total 289,231 companies that are using QuickBooks.

      QuickBooks is being used by all industries such as computer software, hospital, and health care, construction, accounting, and many others.

      QuickBooks has a market share of 62.2% in the accounting software market.

      Large and mid-sized companies that use QuickBooks are Robert Half International, CA Technologies, Tax and Business Matters, LLC, Van Buren and Associates, EisnerAmper LLP.

      1,298,671 contacts are available in the QuickBooks customers list.

      QuickBooks is mainly used by small businesses as it helps them to manage expenses and sales.

      There are more than 2 lacs businesses available in the customers list, which are using QuickBooks.

      Small and medium-sized businesses are the main QuickBooks customers.

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