Veritas Backup Exec Customers List

Veritas Backup Exec

Veritas Backup Exec

Veritas Backup Exec is the software designed for customers who have both virtual and physical environments. Veritas Backup has an automated installation process. It offers features such as integrated data deduplication, recovery options, media management, virtual server protection support, security and data encryption, cloud support, and others. It provides backup, and other protection for the businesses. This on-premise software is useful for small, mid-sized and large enterprises.

The backup exec recovers the data, systems, applications, databases, and others. The benefits of Veritas Backup are storage targeting, the interface is easy to use, single file, restores, and others. It reduces the costs, stays on top of the backing process, is compatible with other systems, and has enterprise-level tools.

What companies use Veritas Backup Exec?

Here are the list of companies that use Veritas Backup Exec:

Company Name Website Contact Number Revenue
ICE (770) 999-4501 $7 Billion
Marsh McLennan (800) 321-2122 $19 Billion
Natus Medical Incorporated (608) 829-8500 $463 Million
Performance Food Group (804) 237-1001 $33 Billion
United Rentals® Europe www.unitedrentals (203) 622-3131 $9 Billion

Companies Using Veritas Backup Exec, Market Share & Customers List

Backup Software Market Share (in %)

No Data Found

Number of Veritas Backup Exec Customers Based on Different Selects

Veritas Backup Exec Customers by Country

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Veritas Backup Exec Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Veritas Backup Exec Customers by Industry

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Veritas Backup Exec Customers by Revenue

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Veritas Backup Exec Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


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Companies Using Veritas Backup Exec (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Country
Envistacom United States
PCS Wireless United States
Raytheon United States
Digital Cloak United States
PAE United States

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