Jack Henry & Associates Silverlake Customers List

Jack Henry & Associates Silverlake

Jack Henry & Associates Silverlake

Jack Henry & Associates Silverlake is one of the banking platforms offering highly customizable solutions to businesses. It has an open architecture and other crucial features that help in providing operational flexibility. It is also termed as out of the box solution offering cost-effective platform to community banks. The solution has different capabilities such as functional granularity, component-based architecture, midsize bank segment experience, large bank segment experience, interoperability and others. The software is easy to deploy, can be integrated with the help of APIs and offers quality end-user training. The deployment process normally takes between 3 to 6 months.

The solution offers right accessibility to the team in leadership roles. Many users prefer this software as it helps in multi-tasking. With the integration of Business Manager in the software, many financial institutions could automate the complex manual activities related to A/R financing process. The solution has a single sign-on functionality, a crucial facility of the software.

The software offers enterprise-wide automation, which means when the system is integrated with many complementary high-demand products and services it improves functionality. Some of the top countries that use this solution are United States, UK, Canada and Netherlands. The solution helps organizations in executing business strategy and further enhancing position of organization.

Some users have stated disadvantage of solution, stating that one needs to have expertise on product before implementation. The software also doesn’t gel that well with some of digital products.

The benefits that this solution offers to customers are organizational viability, good services expertise, future vision, good customer focus. The software also improves agility of business process. The solution is widely used by mid-sized businesses, followed by large and small businesses. It has helped many small-sized businesses with its customized services.

Companies that use Jack Henry & Associates Silverlake

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue
Banner Bank www.bannerbank.com (509) 527-3636 $572 Million
Civista Bank www.civista.bank (419) 625-4121 $124 Million
Crowe Horwath Llp www.crowehorwath.com +60 3-2788 9999 $6 Million
First American Bank www.firstambank.com (847) 683-2282 $199 Million
First National Bank In Howell www.fnbh.com (517) 546-3150 $14 Million

Companies Using Jack Henry & Associates Silverlake, Market Share & Customers List

Banking Software Market Share (in %)

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Number of Jack Henry & Associates Silverlake Customers Based on Different Selects

Jack Henry & Associates Silverlake Customers By Country

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Companies Currently Using Jack Henry & Associates Silverlake (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number
Banner Bank www.bannerbank.com 10 S*uth F*rst A*en*e Walla Walla WA 99362 United states (50*) *27-3**6
Civista Bank www.civista.bank 2*8 W*st E*ds Pa*kw*y Lawrenceburg IN 47025 United states (8*0) 6*4-9**8
Crowe Horwath Llp www.crowehorwath.com 15*3* Ve*tu*a B*ule*ard Ninth Floor Sherman Oaks CA 91403 United states (8*8) *01-52*0
First American Bank www.firstambank.com 1**0 L*u*s A*en*e Elk Grove Village IL 60007 United States (84*) 4*7-5*00
First National Bank In Howell www.fnbh.com PO Box 8*0 Howell MI 48844 United states (8*0) 5*8-3**4

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