Apache Hbase Customers List

Apache Hbase

Apache Hbase

The Java written Open source software is non-relational and distributed database named after Google’s Bigtable. It is a part of Apache Software Foundation’s Apache Hadoop project and built on top of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) offering capabilities of Bigtable for Hadoop. Its framework is known for handling large datasets in a distributed computing environment. Apache HBase is one of the popular HDFS that allows performing read/write operations on large datasets. Today, it is a high availability database that stores vast volumes of unstructured data at breakneck speeds. It is highly fault-tolerant and known for storing large qualities of sparse data, which further means small amounts of information caught within an extensive collection of unnecessary data.

HBase serves several data-driven websites like Facebook. Its architecture is composed of three types of components like the client library, region server, and a master server. Some of its features include Linear and modular scalability, Automatic and configurable sharding of tables, easy to use Java API for client access and Extensible JRuby-based (JIRB) shell. Benefits of HBase include strong consistency, proven scalability to dozens of petabytes, auto-sharding, cost-effective, high availability through failover and replication and more.

Companies that use Apache Hbase

Company Name Website Location Revenue
AppDynamics, Inc. www.appdynamics.com United States $418 Million
Facebook www.facebook.com United States $117 Billion
Hortonworks Inc www.hortonworks.com United States $75 Million
JPMorgan Chase www.jpmorganchase.com United States 130 Billion
Palo Alto Networks Inc www.paloaltonetworks.com United States 4 Billion

Companies Using Apache Hbase, Market Share & Customers List

Big Data Market Share (in %)

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Apache Hbase Customers by Country

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Apache Hbase Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Apache Hbase Customers by Industry

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Companies Currently Using Apache Hbase (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
AppDynamics, Inc. www.appdynamics.com 3** S***d S***t, North T***r **th Floor San Francisco CA 94107 United States (***) **2-8*** **00 **0 M 7372 Prepackaged Software
Facebook www.facebook.com 1**1 Willow **** Menlo Park CA 94025 United States (**0) 5*3-4*** **1** **.7 B 2741 Software Development & Design, Software
Hortonworks Inc www.hortonworks.com 5**0 Great ***** Parkway Santa Clara CA 95054 United States (8**) 8**-***6 *5* **4.5 M 7372 Prepackaged Software
JPMorgan Chase www.jpmorganchase.com **0 Park A****e Manhattan NY 10017 United States (***) 2*0-6*** ***35* **.624 B 6211 Security Brokers, Dealers, and Flotation Companies
Palo Alto Networks Inc www.paloaltonetworks.com 3*** Ta**ery ** Santa Clara CA 95054 United States (**8) 7**-***0 **62 **.8 B 7373 Computer Integrated Systems Design

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