Cloudera Impala Customers List

Cloudera Impala

Cloudera Impala

It has an open-source MPP database developed for the Apache Hadoop facilitating in giving the right insight. Cloudera Impala is compatible with the business intelligence tool. The solution gets help from unified resource management and supports Apache Parquet. The Cloudera solution has the following components HBase and HDFS, Hive Metastore, and clients.

The major features of Cloudera Impala are it supports the Hadoop security, uses the metadata, supports the Apache HBase storage, has the right role-based authorization.

The benefits of Impala are that it has the ability to query the massive volumes of data, and the ability to share the data files between the various components. Impala has one system for analytics and big data processing. It reduces duplicate storage. The solution helps in interactive analytics.

Companies that use Cloudera Impala

Company Name Website Location Revenue
Komatsu Mining United States $18 Billion
Tenaris Luxembourg $5 Billion
Navistar International United States $7 Billion
Avvo United States $20 Million
Quaero United States $21 Million

Companies Using Cloudera Impala, Market Share & Customers List

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Companies Currently Using Cloudera Impala (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Country
Komatsu Mining United States
Tenaris Luxembourg
Navistar International United States
Avvo United States
Quaero United States

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