Teradata Customers List



Teradata Corporation is the world’s leading provider of database-related products and services. They offer business analytics solutions, hybrid cloud products & services, and data & analytics solutions. It is widely used to manage big data warehousing operations. This database is based on off-the-shelf symmetric multiprocessing technology that is combined with communication networking and connecting symmetric multiprocessing systems. They further form massively parallel processing systems. Teradata is for users who recognize data as their most valuable asset connecting with right people, technologists, and analysts. With Teradata, businesses can feel better outcome and flexibility.

Teradata Everywhere™ allows you to future-proof your analytic-investment with its competence to select on-premises models, purchasing models, and cloud deployment options. This system supports data management at Call level interface (CLI), Micro TDP and more. Some of the major features of Teradata are its Parallelism with load distribution shared among multiple users, its execution of maximum of 256 joins & complex queries and complete scalability.

Teradata solutions is mainly used for managing the data warehousing operations. This database system is based on the multi-processing technology which is symmetric and combined with the systems such as communication networking for forming large processing systems. The main features it has are unlimited parallelism, connectivity, linear scalability, mature optimizer, robust utilities, and automatic distribution.

Teradata, as a single data store, accepts multiple requests at the same time from different client applications. The components in the Teradata database system are PE, BYNET, AMP, and VSS 5.V DISK. Teradata customers list is a refined users mailing list which includes the complete mailing solution of the Teradata users across the world.

The Teradata market share is around 8.6% in the big data technology. Its popularity is due to its support for different languages, which includes JavaScript, SQL, Scala, Python, and Go.

Companies that use Teradata

Company Name Website Location Revenue
Argus www.argusinformation.com United States $5 Million
baby First www.babysfirstgifts.com United States $5 Million
Arc www.e-arc.com United States 267 Million
CTBC Bank www.ctbcbankusa.com United States 60 Million
EMS www.ems-usa.com United States $23 Million

Companies Using Teradata, Market Share & Customers List

Big Data Market Share (in %)

No Data Found

Number of Teradata Customers Based on Different Selects

Teradata Customers by Country

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Teradata Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Teradata Customers by Industry

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Teradata Customers by Revenue

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Teradata Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


Total Contacts


Total Postal Universe


Total Emails Available


Total Phone Numbers

Companies Currently Using Teradata (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
American Red Cross redcross.org *3* 17th St ** Washington DC 20006 United States (8*0) 7**-27** **000 ** 8322 Individual and Family Social Services
BANCO PATAGONIA bancopatagonia.com ***. Gral. Juan ***ingo Pe*** 500 Buenos Aires C1038AAJ Argentina 54 **43**50** ***0 **5 M 6029 Commercial banks
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) bnsf.com **50 Lou M*** Dr Fort Worth TX 76131 United States (**0) 7*5-2**3 **000 **.4 B 4011 Railroads, Line-haul Operating
Meredith_Corporation meredith.com ***6 L***st Street Des Moines IA 50309 United States (**5) 2**-30** **00 *.7 B 2721 Periodicals: Publishing, or Publishing and Printing
Rogers rogers.com **3 B***r St E Toronto ON M4W 1G9 Canada (4**) 9*5-**80 **200 **.4 B 4899 Communications Services

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    The Teradata market share is 8.58%.

    There are 34,856 companies in the Teradata customers list.

    79,342 contacts are available of Teradata clients.

    A total of 67,492 emails are available of Teradata customers.

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