Home » Business Intelligence Software Customers List » Microsoft Power BI Customers List

Microsoft Power BI Customers List

Microsoft Power BI is an effective data visualization tool in business intelligence that professionals use for transforming data-driven insights into direct actionable information. The global business intelligence market will reach a massive total of $54.27 billion by 2030. Aiming to expand your sales metrics? InfoClutch can get you closer to your business goals!
Our verified Microsoft Power BI customers list is a verified database of customers who use Microsoft Power BI into their business administration. It include email addresses, phone numbers, and other information that can be chosen from the US, European Union, Canada, Australia, and more. Using our database of Power BI clients, businesses can revive growth in their existing sales performance and achieve laser-accurate business reach against the competitors in the market.

Who are the customers of Power BI?

Many organizations have started using Microsoft Power BI software in their business productivity.
Here’s the list of companies using Microsoft Power BI:
Company Name Website Location Revenue
American Omni Trading Company american-omni.com United States 7.9 M
Colaberry Inc colaberry.com United States 8.6 M
Aimteq aimteq.co.uk United Kingdom 21.8 M
Paramount Software Solutions paramountsoft.net United States 26.6 M
SACHEM INC sacheminc.com United States 31.8 M
Biodesix biodesix.com United States 2.2 M
Illinois Mutual Life Insurance illinoismutual.com United States 173.2 M
Global Reach Group globalreachgroup.com United Kingdom 103.1 M
CWB Group cwbgroup.org Canada 42.8 M
Bundaberg Brewed Drinks bundaberg.com Australia 50.3 M
Arm Limited arm.com United Kingdom 2.7 B
GSK PLC gsk.com United Kingdom 35.6 B
Vanderlande vanderlande.com Netherlands 2.6 B
Ipsen ipsen.com France 3.5 B
Almirall almirall.com Spain 889.2 M

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    Companies Using Microsoft Power BI


    Total Contacts Available

    Which Data Segmentations Are Featured in Our Microsoft Power BI Customers List?

    Our data experts carefully collect the details from verified and reliable sources to embrace all business industry sectors.
    Here is the list of other Microsoft software that we have in our database:

    Can We Customize InfoClutch's Microsoft Power BI Clients List?

    Yes, we have over 70+ data filters to get a customized database based on your business requirements.
    Here are the data fields to choose from our list of companies using Microsoft Power BI:
    First name Area of Specialization Ownership Type Postal Address
    Last name Industry Company Size Geographical Location
    Job Title NAICS Code Company Revenue Demographics
    Official Email SIC Code Company Website Technographics
    Work Experience Entity Type Assets Size And More!

    Records Available by Segment

    Total Contacts
    Total Postal Universe
    Total Emails Available
    Total Phone Numbers

    Sample of Microsoft Power BI Customers List

    We have collected the Microsoft Power BI Customers List by analyzing the shared business objectives to include suitable categories of segments and options for strengthening your business objectives.

    What Are the Other Business Intelligence Software and Their Market Share?

    The growth in the usage of Business Intelligence has attracted the attention of decision-makers across various industries. The Microsoft Power BI market share holds the highest market value among other BI softwares.
    Other business intelligence software providers & their market shares are:

    No Data Found

    No Data Found

    Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number
    Associated Press www.ap.org 2*0 L**er*y St New York City New York 10281 United States (2*2) 6*1-1**0
    Condé Nast Inc www.condenast.com 1 W*r*d Tr**e C**ter New York City New York 10007 United States (*12) 2*6-5**6
    Heathrow Airport www.heathrow.com The C**pa** C**tre, N**so* Rd Hounslow United Kingdom 44 **43**180*
    Hewlett-Packard www.www8.hp.com 1*0* Pa*e M*ll R**d Palo Alto California 94304 United States (6*0) 8*7-15**
    Kennametal www.kennametal.com 6** GR**T St. Ste. *1*0 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15219 United States (*12) 2*8-80**
    Company NameMarket Share
    SAP Business objects7.2%

    Number of Microsoft Power BI Customers List Based on Different Selects

    Microsoft Power BI by Employee Size

    No Data Found

    Microsoft Power BI USA State-wise

    No Data Found

    Microsoft Power BI by Revenue

    No Data Found

    Microsoft Power BI by Revenue

    No Data Found

    Microsoft Power BI Customers by Industry

    No Data Found

    Microsoft Power BI Customers by Industry

    No Data Found

    Microsoft Power BI by Country

    No Data Found

    Microsoft Power BI by Country

    No Data Found

    Get Access to a Customized Database!

    Which Businesses Can Benefit From the Microsoft Power BI Customers List?

    Organizations that are contemplating to impress & network with the decision makers via campaigns should invest in our Microsoft Power BI customers list.

    Here’s the list of other potential businesses that can use our Microsoft Power BI clients list:

    • Companies performing market research on existing Power BI customers can exhaustively use our Microsoft Power BI clients list to analyze & operate effectively.
    • Competitive BI service providers can pitch their products to the existing Power BI clients to extend their target audience reach.
    • Software consulting firms can contact C-level executives to share business consultancy and other data-driven insights.
    • IT enterprises can reach out to their targeted audience to vouch for their expertise and services.

    How to Use Microsoft Power BI Customers List?

    Microsoft Power BI Customers List
    Businesses planning to expand their operation and achieve a positive brand image in the eyes of their targeted audience can use our Microsoft Power BI customers list. Reach out to potential prospects, deliver your business information, and stand a chance to obtain higher lead generation.

    Let us find out the ideal ways our Microsoft Power BI clients list can be used:

    • Businesses can achieve incredible growth in their lead generation by displaying their services creatively using direct marketing.
    • Implementing email campaigns with relevant details can act as linking bridge between you and your target audience for generating higher ROI.
    • Calling the strategic decision makers to explain your service details with a persuasive intent directly can expand your business growth.
    • Embarking telemarketing can enhance the market appearance and brand visibility to principal decision-makers for enhancing business services.
    • Implement account-based marketing to target the specific profiles of potential prospects and deliver the required details of your services for better sales conversion.

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    Why Partner With InfoClutch?

    With the assurance of over a decade of industry expertise, having served more than 4000+ organizations. Our verified contact database of companies using Microsoft Power BI can assist your business in expanding your network circle and increasing your sales conversion, making you a prominent industry-dominating power.

    A few features of our database are:

    • Data is filtered and updated every 90 days
    • 100% opt-in customizable database
    • 95% of the email deliverability rate
    • Data verified by humans and advanced tools
    • Compliant with CAN-SPAM and GDPR privacy regulations
    This is not about data but your business progress and sales growth. We precisely deliver one of the finest data solutions that can set the tone of the business for better growth in the market.
    Contact us @for the updated quotation.

    FAQs About Microsoft Power BI Customers List

    Microsoft Power BI customers list is a segmented database comprising the contact details of customers who use Microsoft Power BI software in their business administration.

    Microsoft Power BI is a software suite in Business Intelligence that assists analysts and professionals in transforming raw and unstructured business data into a refined visual data report.

    Microsoft Power BI is implemented by organizations across various sectors. A few of the highlighted consumers are:

    • Data Analysts
    • Power BI Consultants
    • C-level Executives
    • Marketing teams and more.

    Our Microsoft Dynamics CRM customer list is cleansed and appended every 90 days to ensure the details are active and accurate.

    Corporations across various operating sectors have implemented Power BI software to analyze their business insights effectively. A few of the them companies are:

    Need Microsoft Power BI customers list for Your Marketing Campaigns?

    We can provide you the list of companies and executives’ contacts from the same companies.

    Please submit your requirement below and we will get in touch with you shortly.!