Pentaho Customers List



Pentaho is a business intelligence software tool that offers various solutions such as OLAP services, information dashboards, data integration, mining, extract, transform, load, and reporting capabilities. That is, you can use this software to access, make, mix and study any data from the different source. Located in Florida, the company was acquired by Hitachi Data Systems back in 2015. Later it became part of Hitachi Vantara on 2017. The company offers both an enterprise and community edition of their software. The enterprise software contains additional features and support that you cannot find in the community edition. You can obtain this enterprise edition through an annual subscription.

Besides, the community edition is a free open source tool that is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0, Mozilla Public License 1.1, and GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.0. The company has released various server and client applications that manage as well as processes the data in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. It is also designed to solve business problems with the help of connectors to streaming data. Their server applications include Pentaho BA Platform, Mondrian, Pentaho Dashboard Designer, Pentaho Analyzer plug-in, Pentaho Interactive Reporting, Pentaho Data Access Wizard, and Pentaho Mobile.

Whereas, its client applications include Pentaho Data Integration, Pentaho for Big Data, Pentaho Report Designer, Pentaho Data Mining, Pentaho Metadata Editor, Pentaho Aggregate Designer, Pentaho Schema Workbench, and Pentaho Design Studio. You can also enhance the functionalities of Pentaho software with the help of add-on products which are in the form of plug-ins such as Ctools, Community Charting Components, Community Distributed Cache, Saiku, and many more. With a list of tools packaged under the same name, the company mainly focuses on driving maximum value from the data. If you wish to explore the business opportunities with Pentaho customers, our Pentaho customer list will guide you.

Companies that use pentaho

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue Location
AssetWorks (610) 687-9202 $25 Million United States
Ziprealty (510) 735-2600 $75 Million United States
Webassign (919) 829-8181 $25 Million United States
Paytronix (617) 649-3300 $42 Million United States
Mozilla (650) 903-0800 $451 Million United States

Companies Using Pentaho, Market Share & Customers List

Business Intelligence Software Market Share (in %)

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Number of Pentaho Customers Based on Different Selects

Pentaho Customers by Country

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Pentaho Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Pentaho Customers by Industry

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Pentaho Customers by Revenue

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Pentaho Customers by Employee Size

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Companies Currently Using Pentaho (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
888 Digital 8*8 D**ital, Inc. 1**6 E Li**en Ave Linden NJ 7036 United States (9*8) 5*3-93** *8 *.6 M 5731 Retail-Radio, Tv & Consumer Electronics Stores
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 270 Wa**in**on Str**t, S.W. Atlanta GA 30334 United States (**4) 6*6-2**2 *8*0 *.2 B 8221 Colleges And Universities
Adayana 3**0 D**auw B**d Suite 3**0 Indianapolis IN 46268 United States (7*3) 5*4-71** *25 *5 M 8243 Data Processing Schools
American Strategic Insurance 1 Asi W*y St. Petersburg FL 33702 United States (8*6) 2*4-8**5 *17 *7.5 M 6351 Surety Insurance
Aptara 3**0 Fa**view P**k D**ve Suite 9** Falls Church VA 22042 United States (7*3) 3*2-0**1 **06 ** 7374 Computer Processing & Data Preparation

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