SAP Analytics Cloud Customers List

SAP Analytics Cloud

SAP Analytics Cloud

SAP Analytics Cloud formerly known as SAP Business Objects, is one of the popular SaaS solutions which combines analytics functionalities in one user interface. The functionalities are analysis and prediction, planning, business intelligence, reporting. SAP Analytics Cloud simplifies the analytics process to make intelligent decisions. It provides scalable, secure and intuitive solutions and has features like data visualization, collaboration, planning, and predictive analysis.

SAP Analytics Cloud supports around 1 million users, has modular deployment feature, delivers content through software development kits and manages the BI content at all stages of production lifecycle. The benefit which it provides is powerful data insights to the large and medium-sized enterprises, which enables users to implement analytic tools on big data thus generating useful insights. One can implement these insights for an efficient operational functioning of the business.

It establishes a single and trusted source of data. A customized dashboard is made available so that data is delivered to the accurate recipient’s launch pad. It has a complete and easy distribution process where everybody is kept in the loop through apps and devices. SAP Analytics Cloud allows users to configure formulas and manage conversion tables. In-built collaboration allows users to have conversations seamlessly. Every member in organization cooperates in optimizing the resources to increase productivity. The workforce is empowered as they have access to information whenever they need it. They can look into the previous data and plan for optimizing the business resources at present and in the near future.

Companies that use SAP Analytics Cloud

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue Location
Costco (425) 313-8100 $203 Billion United States
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center (562) 933-2000 $1 Billion United States
Texas A&M University (979) 845-3211 $3 Billion United States
Texas A&M University-Commerce (903) 886-5000 $20 Million United States
Adjmi Apparel Group (212) 629-9600 $62 Million United States

Companies Using SAP Analytics Cloud, Market Share & Customers List

Business Intelligence Software Market Share (in %)

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Number of SAP Analytics Cloud Customers Based on Different Selects

SAP Analytics Cloud Customers by Country

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SAP Analytics Cloud Customers by State-wise in the USA

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SAP Analytics Cloud Customers by Industry

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SAP Analytics Cloud Customers by Revenue

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SAP Analytics Cloud Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


Total Contacts


Total Postal Universe


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Total Phone Numbers

Companies Using SAP Analytics Cloud (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
Costco 9*9 L*k* Dr*v* Issaquah WA 98228 United States (4*5) 3*3-*100 1*3,000 **9 B 5311 Department Stores
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center *8*1* Br**kh*rst Str**t Suite 6**0 Fountain Valley CA 92708 United States (7*4) 37*-7*00 *,339 8062 General Medical and Surgical Hospitals
Texas A&M University 6*0 J*hn K*mbr*ugh B*ul*v*rd College Station TX 77840 United States (*7*) *45-7*00 *3,014 * B 8221 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
Texas A&M University-Commerce 2**0 S*uth N**l Commerce TX 75429 United States (*03) **6-510* *,158 8221 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
Adjmi Apparel Group 3**1 Pr*v*d*nc* Dr*v* Suite **1 Anchorage AK 99508 United States (*07) 7*6-1*00 2**0 8221 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

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