Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Customers List

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is a service which is used for deploying and scaling web applications. Almost all of the applications are developed with Java, .net, PHP, Python, Ruby among others. The code can be simply uploaded and Elastic Beanstalk takes over of handling the deployment, balancing the load, health monitoring.

Elastic Beanstalk has many benefits like simple to begin, complete resource control, the productivity of the developer and impossible to outgrow. It can support many languages as it is designed for much development stacks and future programming languages. It uses cloud resources like Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SNS, Auto Scaling.

The benefits which it provides are that it reduces the complexity of management without the restriction in choice and control. Elastic Beanstalk enables developers and administrators a faster and easy way for deploying and managing the applications. It runs on platforms like Amazon Linux AMI and Windows Server 2012 R2 AMI. AMIs are maintained by Amazon Web Services and are designed to provide a stable environment for Cloud Computing. If you wish to get most valuables details of Amazon Elastic Beanstalk customers, our Amazon Elastic Beanstalk customers list will make the most flexible option.

Companies that use Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Company Name Website Location Revenue
Comcast Corporation United States $116 Billion
GE Oil and Gas United States $5 Million
Kellogg’s United States $14 Billion
Peloton United States $4 Billion
United Airlines United States $24 Billion

Companies Using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Market Share & Customers List

Cloud Computing Market Share (in %)

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Number of Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Customers Based on Different Selects

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Customers by Country

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Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Customers by Industry

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Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Customers by Revenue

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Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


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Companies Using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
Comcast Corporation 1 C*mc*st C**tr* Philadelphia PA 19103 United States (21*) 2*6-*7*0 *6*,0*0 *4.5 B 4813 Telephone Communications
GE Oil and Gas 55** S* 59th Str**t Oklahoma City OK 73135 United States (40*) 6*0-14*1 *9,0*0 *2*.1 B 1389 Oil and Gas Field Services
Kellogg’s 1 K*ll*gg Squ*r* Battle Creek MI 49017 United States (26*) *61-2*0* 3*,0*0 *2.9 B 2043 Cereal Breakfast Foods
Peloton 2*7 W*st 29th Str**t Suite 9F New York NY 10001 United States (*66) 72*-172* *72 *28.3 M 5941 Sporting Goods Stores and Bicycle Shops
United Airlines 2*3 S W*ck*r Dr*v* Chicago IL 60606 United States (*72) *2*-40** *9,8*0 *7.7 B 4512 Air Transportation, Scheduled

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