Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift is a managed data warehouse service in the cloud. It is based on an older version of PostgreSQL 8.0.2 and delivers fast query, input/output performance for any dataset size. Administrative tasks which are associated with configuring, provisioning, monitoring, backup and securing are automated. One can choose to encrypt data on Redshift during the creation of data tables.
Redshift is an alternative for Apache Hadoop and Hive which are open source software. Redshift can integrate with a large number of applications which includes BI and analytical tools. This enables analysts to work with data which is there in the Redshift. It also works with transform, extract, ETL tools to load data into it thus preparing and transforming it into the required state. Redshift cluster is composed of one or more compute nodes.
Redshift has many benefits like ease of configuration and management, cost-efficient, ease in using, high-speed communication in between the nodes. Outreach the Redshift customer across the globe with our Redshift customers list.
Which company uses Amazon Redshift?
List of companies that use Amazon Redshift are:
Company Name | Website | Contact Info | Revenue |
Civis | www.civisanalytics.com | (312) 985-0173 | $32 Million |
Amgen | www.amgen.com | (805) 447-1000 | 25 Billion |
4cite | www.4cite.com | (518) 300-3308 | $7 Million |
Etix | www.etix.com | (919) 653-0444 | $167 Million |
Foursquare | www.foursquare.com | (646) 380-4813 | $100 Million |
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Companies Using Amazon Redshift, Market Share & Customers List
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Companies Using Amazon Redshift (Sample Data)
Company Name | Website | Address | Address 1 | City | State | Zipcode | Country | Phone Number | Employee Size | Revenue Size (USD) | SIC Code | SIC Industry |
Ancestry | www.ancestry.com | *300 W*st T**v**s* P**kw*y | Lehi | UT | 84043 | United States | (80*) 705-7**0 | *,126 | *.6 B | 7299 | Miscellaneous Personal Services | |
Expedia | www.expedia.com | 3*3 *08th *v*nu* N* | Bellevue | WA | 98004 | United States | (4*5) *79-72** | *2,*15 | *0.1 B | 4724 | Travel Agencies | |
Fortune | www.fortune.com | 30*0 Univ**sity C*nt** D*iv* | Tampa | FL | 33612 | United States | (8*0) 3*8-**98 | 369 | *3.8 M | 2721 | Periodicals: Publishing, or Publishing and Printing | |
McDonald’s Corporation | www.mcdonalds.com | **0 N**th C**p*nt** St***t | Chicago | IL | 60607 | United States | (*30) *23-30** | *35,*00 | *2.8 B | 5812 | Eating Places | |
WeWork | www.wework.com | 2*2 B***dw*y 22nd Fl*** | New York City | NY | 10038 | United States | (*4*) 5*4-3**5 | *,740 | *6 B | 6531 | Real Estate Agents and Managers |
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