Amazon SimpleDB Customers List

Amazon SimpleDB

Amazon SimpleDB

Amazon SimpleDB known as a key value data store is a flexible non-relational database allowing developers to request and store the data. It frees the companies from the regular administrative tasks of database management and provides high reliability and flexibility to the customers. It facilitates cloud storage and query processing.

SimpleDB gives an endpoint URL which guarantees encrypted messages between the application and the domain. It is suited for database environments that are less complex, where users look and quickly access the data in the non-relational database.

It provides features like flexibility, efficiency, scalability, easy integration, and cost-effectiveness. The benefits which it gives are that the complexity of the operational process is eliminated, the schema is not required, a simple API is used for the access and storage, data is indexed automatically and the burden of the administrative process is reduced. It works closely with the Amazon simple storage service(Amazon S3) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) thus providing the ability to process, store and query data in the cloud. Webscale computing gets easier and cost-effective.

List of Companies that use Amazon SimpleDB

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue
Adtalem Global Education (312) 651-1400 $1 Billion
Ampush (415) 638-9663 $21 Million
Copyright Clearance Center (978) 750-8400 $211 Million
Environmental Systems Research Institute (909) 793-2853 $840 Million
Lab126 (206) 266-1000 $386 Million

Companies Using Amazon SimpleDB, Market Share & Customers List

Cloud Computing Market Share (in %)

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Number of Amazon SimpleDB Customers Based on Different Selects

Amazon SimpleDB Customers by Country

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Amazon SimpleDB Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Amazon SimpleDB Customers by Industry

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Amazon SimpleDB Customers by Revenue

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Amazon SimpleDB Customers by Employee Size

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Companies Using Amazon SimpleDB(Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
Adtalem Global Education 3**5 Highl*nd P**kw*y Downers Grove IL 60515 United States (63*) 5*5-77** *,869 *.8 B 8221 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
Ampush 45* Ninth St***t San Francisco CA 94103 United States (*15) 2*5-49** *30 *5.2 M 7311 Advertising Agencies
Copyright Clearance Center 222 **s*w**d D*iv* Danvers MA 1923 United States (9*8) 75*-84** *82 *6.4 M 6794 Patent Owners and Lessors
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. 38* N*w Y**k St***t Redlands CA 92373 United States (9*9) 7*3-2**3 4,**0 *50 M 8733 Noncommercial Research Organizations
Lab126 11** *nt**p*is* W*y Sunnyvale CA 94089 United States (65*) 4*6-11** *,840 *5 M 5045 Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software

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