Google Compute Engine Customers List

Google Compute Engine

Google Compute Engine

Google Compute Engine (GCE) is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) component that allows clients, users to run workloads on Google’s physical hardware. It also lets end users create virtual machines on Google’s infrastructure that in turn runs on Google’s search engine, YouTube, Gmail and other services. GCE includes Linux and Windows-based virtual machines running on KVM switch. The service integrates the cloud platform technologies such as Google Cloud Storage, Google BigQuery, and Google App Engine to extend the basic computational capacity to be able to create complex and sophisticated applications.

GCE’s API provides administrators with DNS server, virtual machine, and load balancing capabilities. Its VM’s are available in a number of CPU and RAM configurations allowing customers to create their own custom virtual machines. Some of Google’s Cloud Hosting Advantages are that it offers live migration of VM’s, private global fiber network, improved performance, redundant back up’s and many more.

Companies that use Google Compute Engine

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue
CashCall Inc. (866) 590-2274 $399 Million
Evernote (650) 216-7700 $73 Million
LeadPages (844) 594-3390 $21 Million
Onix Networking Corp. (216) 529-3000 $38 Million
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (937) 644-0011 $4 Billion

Companies Using Google Compute Engine, Market Share & Customers List

Cloud Computing Market Share (in %)

No Data Found

Number of Google Compute Engine Customers Based on Different Selects

Google Compute Engine Customers by Country

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Google Compute Engine Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Google Compute Engine Customers by Industry

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Google Compute Engine Customers by Revenue

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Google Compute Engine Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


Total Contacts


Total Postal Universe


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Companies Currently Using Google Compute Engine (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
CashCall Inc. * City B*** W Suite 1*** Orange CA 92868 United States (***) 7*2-**00 **00 **0 M 6141 Personal Credit Institutions
Evernote *** W***ut St***t Redwood City CA 94063 United States (***) 2*7-0**5 **5 ** M 4813 TeleCommunications
LeadPages *** N 1st A***ue Suite *** Minneapolis MN 55401 United States (***) 5*4-3*** **5 **.1 M 5045 Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment
Onix Networking Corp. ***19 D***oit Road Lakewood OH 44107 United States (***) 5*9-**00 **5 *.5 M 5045 Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company ***11 S***ts***n Road Marysville OH 43040 United States (***) 6*4-0*** **00 *.8 B 2873 Nitrogenous Fertilizers

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