Red Hat OpenShift Customers List

Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift

OpenShift is a computer software product and an open source container application platform by Red Hat. Red Hat OpenStack Platform is a cloud computing platform that virtualizes resources from industry-standard hardware, organizes those resources into clouds, and further manages them so users or clients can access what they need and when they need. This software depends on the Linux operating system, accesses hardware resources and integrates with third-party software with new or existing systems. RedHat OpenShift helps companies solve challenges, align their Business and IT strategies and prepare for the future of technology. As this is done RedHat provides secure solutions through the open business model and affordable yet predictable subscription models.

RedHat platform is an integrated, optimized, and managed foundation for production-ready clouds. By choosing this platform, users can benefit fast paced innovations while maintaining a stable platform for production deployment. The software offers reliable cloud foundation by relying on Linux which is co-engineered with enterprise Linux. It partners with hundreds of certified OpenStack partner ecosystem and uses unified management platform to track costs, control resources and ensures compliance. It’s ready to use cloud storage, or file storage that improves your cloud’s performance. It as well deploys a secure private cloud including key security features of enhanced Linux.

Red hat OpenShift is of four types which are OpenShift Online,, OpenShift Dedicated, and OpenShift Container platform. This open and hybrid cloud platform is built and scaled for container based applications. It manages the development lifecycle, continuous integration, standardized workflows, and release management.

Companies that use Red hat OpenShift

Company Name Website Revenue Location
Goldman Sachs $59 Billion United States
Best Buy $52 Billion United States
Deutsche Bank $28 Billion United States
Delta Air Lines $29 Billion United States
Kohl’s $19 Billion United States

Companies Using RedHat OpenShift , Market Share & Customers List

Cloud Computing Market Share (in %)

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Number of RedHat OpenShift Customers Based on Different Selects

Red Hat OpenShift Customers by Country

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Red Hat OpenShift Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Red Hat OpenShift Customers by Industry

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Red Hat OpenShift Customers by Revenue

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Red Hat OpenShift Customers by Employee Size

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Companies Using RedHat OpenShift (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
Acquia Inc. ** S***e Street **th Floor Boston MA 2109 United States (***) 9*2-7**2 **0 **3.2 M 7371 Software Development & Design
Fair Isaac Corporation 2**5 L*** L*** Road, ***g C Roseville MN 55113 United States (**2) 7*8-5*** **99 **2.2 M 7372 Prepackaged Software
Paychex **1 Pan***ma Trail S Rochester NY 14625 United States (***) 3*5-6**6 **700 **.2 B 8721 Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services
Red Hat Inc 1** E*** D***e Street Raleigh NC 27601 United States (9*9) 7*4-3*** ***0 **.6 B 7372 Prepackaged Software
WorldPay **1 **th Street N***h west Suite 1*** Atlanta GA 30363 United States (8**) 5*5-***5 **00 **.4 B 6099 Functions Related to Depository Banking

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    The companies that are using Redhat OpenShift are WorldPay, Red Hat Inc, Paychex, and Fair Isaac Corporation.

    The number of companies that are using Redhat OpenShift is 3,854.

    Computer software is the largest user of Redhat OpenShift with 37.2%.

    Redhat OpenShift has a market share of 14%.

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