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Pivotal CRM Customers List

Pivotal CRM is a radical CRM software by Aptean that is an industry leader when it comes to flexibility and reliability. With over 1000 users, Pivotal CRM is a formidable and powerful software.

If you own a product/service that can improve the lives of Pivotal CRM users, then the Pivotal CRM users list is meant for you!

The Pivotal CRM users list, curated by InfoClutch, offers you access to more than 10K contact data of the top professionals and decision makers that use Pivotal CRM. Fill the form out now and get your curated Pivotal CRM users list!

Companies Using Pivotal CRM
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    Pivotal CRM

    About Pivotal CRM

    Pivotal CRM, a Customer Relationship Management software by Aptean is built on Microsoft .Net framework. It is suitable for organizations of all sizes that are looking to take their business to the next level by integrating with CRM processes, marketing, and service automation. Unlike other CRM solutions, Pivotal is built on a flexible platform that gives a customized CRM experience built around your business process as per user requirements. The software provides market-leading flexibility and cutting-edge functionality that includes Mobile CRM, Partner Automation, service Automation, Marketing Automation and Sales Force Automation.

    Pivotal CRM maximizes the competitive advantages and has tremendous benefits. It is a metadata-driven architecture that facilitates change at every level and offers low-cost flexibility. This software is developed for industry-tailored applications that mirror functional needs. Pivotal comes pre-integrated with Microsoft office suite because of its long-standing relationship with Microsoft. It allows users have rich user experience and collects rich information into a single, centralized database to achieve more significant insights into business activities.

    Companies that use Pivotal CRM

    Company Name Website Revenue Location
    RR Donnelley www.rrd.com $4 Billion United States
    ETS www.ets.org $692 Million United States
    Irvine Company www.irvinecompany.com $3 Billion United States
    First American www.firstam.com $9 Billion United States
    Pacific Life www.pacificlife.com $11 Billion United States
    GE www.ge.com $74 Billion United States

    Companies Using Pivotal CRM, Market Share & Customers List

    CRM Market Share (in %)

    No Data Found

    Number of Pivotal CRM Customers Based on Different Selects

    Pivotal CRM Customers by Country

    No Data Found

    Pivotal CRM Customers by State-wise in the USA

    No Data Found

    Pivotal CRM Customers by Industry

    No Data Found

    Pivotal CRM Customers by Revenue

    No Data Found

    Pivotal CRM Customers by Employee Size

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    Records Available by Segment


    Total Contacts


    Total Postal Universe


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    Total Phone Numbers

    Companies Currently Using Pivotal CRM (Sample Data)

    Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
    Curtiss Wright curtisswright.com *** H***our P***e Drive Suite 3*** Davidson NC 28036 United States (7*4) 8**-4*** **00 **.3 B 3491 Industrial Valves
    Pivotal Software, Inc pivotal.io *** Ho***d Street ***th Floor San Francisco CA 94103 United States (***) 7*7-4*** **00 **0 M 7371 Computer Programming Services
    Reinhart Foodservice rfsdelivers.com ***0 N R***r Road Suite 9*** Rosemont IL 6250 United States (***) **1-4*** **.5 B 5141 Groceries, General Line
    Ultimate Software ultimatesoftware.com 2*** Ultimate *** Weston FL 33326 United States (***) 4*2-1*** **08 **0.7 M 7372 Prepackaged Software
    WellPet wellpet.com *** A**s P*** Drive Tewksbury MA 1876 United States (***) 2*5-0*** **5 **0 M 2047 Dog and Cat Food

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