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SugarCRM Customers List

Sugar CRM is a very popular CRM tool that is used by more than 3000 organizations around the world and rakes up more than $750 Million in revenue. If you have a business/service that aligns with the Sugar CRM users, then the Sugar CRM users list is just for you!

The Sugar CRM users list, curated by InfoClutch offers you access to more than 45K contact data on the top professionals and C-suite executives who utilize Sugar CRM in their professional lives.

Companies Using SugarCRM
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    What is SugarCRM?

    SugarCRM, a software company in California USA, is the highest net promoter score receiver among all the other major CRM Vendors. This software is an open source CRM that is available for free to download commercially. The affordable and easy to use customer relationship management software is suitable for businesses of all sizes. The benefits of using SugarCRM are that it gives a simple user interface, exceptional industry customer experience, and an intuitive customization platform.

    SugarCRM offers a variety of CRM solutions for your industry and organizational challenges. This modern CRM is flexible and helps you manage, analyze, automate and integrate all your customer accounts and as well lets you connect with people across the company.

    SugarCRM assists the companies in communicating with the prospects, close deals, share the sales information and maintain long term customer relationship. This web-based CRM application is available in commercial version and open source. It has four editions which are Enterprise, ultimate, professional, and community.

    Companies that use SugarCRM

    Here’s a list of top companies that use Sugar CRM. For more info on these organizations, check out the Sugar CRM users list!

    Company Name Website Revenue Location
    Getty Images www.gettyimages.com $446 Million United States
    Hrsmart www.hrsmartllc.com $50 Million United States
    Reebok www.reebok.com $1 Billion United States
    Tetley www.tetleyusa.com $9 Million United States
    Tyson www.tysonfoods.com $47 Billion United States
    Vmware www.vmware.com $12 Billion United States

    Companies Using SugarCRM, Market Share & Customers List

    CRM Market Share (in %)

    No Data Found

    Number of SugarCRM Customers Based on Different Selects

    SugarCRM Customers by Country

    No Data Found

    SugarCRM Customers by State-wise in the USA

    No Data Found

    SugarCRM Customers by Industry

    No Data Found

    SugarCRM Customers by Revenue

    No Data Found

    SugarCRM Customers by Employee Size

    No Data Found

    Records Available by Segment


    Total Contacts


    Total Postal Universe


    Total Emails Available


    Total Phone Numbers

    Companies Using SugarCRM (Sample Data)

    Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue in USD SIC Code SIC Industry
    EcoSMART Technologies www.ecosmart.com ***5 W Mi***on Blvd Pomona CA 91766 United States (**4) 7*6-1**0 ** *.4 M 2879 Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals
    HotSauce Technologies www.hotsaucepos.com ***1 Pea***ree Industrial Blvd Suite ***0 Norcross GA 30092 United States (6**) 3*5-5**0 ** * M 8731 Commercial Physical and Biological Research
    Karma Group www.karmagroup.com ***9 Uni***sity Dr Crystal Springs FL 33065 United States (**4) **7-54** **14 *.8 M 7311 Advertising Agencies
    Pinnergy www.pinnergy.com *** Congress **e Suite ***0 Austin TX 78701 United States (5**) **3-**80 **0 ** M 1389 Oil and Gas Field Services
    Sensiba San Filippo LLP www.ssfllp.com ***5 N. Palm *** Suite 10* F**sn* Fountain Valley CA 93704 United States (**9) 4**-07** **5 **.3 M 8721 Accounting Auditing and Bookkeeping Services

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      Frequently Asked Questions

      The majority of the SugarCRM customers are from the computer industry, with 20.7%.

      Around 7,794 companies are included in the list of companies using SugarCRM.

      The number of contacts available in the SugarCRM customers list is 47,543.

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