Verint Customers List



Verint software provides a comprehensive set of services that guides you in the right customer relationship management. The Verint’s actionable intelligence solution helps in reducing the risk, fraud, thereby in the right customer relationship management.

The main features of the Verint system are that it provides fraud solutions, cyber intelligence, strategic consulting, risk and compliance solutions, effective decisions, better enterprise performance, and optimization in the customer engagement process. The key features which make up in better customer engagement are analytics, communication management, feedback collection, video content, community management, among others.

The benefits of the Verint system are that it helps organizations for improving business results by improved customer engagement and intelligence in the security system. Thus it makes the task easier for the sales team.

Companies that use Verint

Company Name Website Revenue Location
Blue Shield of California $21 Billion United States
Medtronic $31 Billion United States
Cigna $174 Billion United States
Allstate $50 Billion United States
GC Services Limited Partnership $1 Billion United States

Companies Using Verint, Market Share & Customers List

CRM Market Share (in %)

No Data Found

Number of Verint Customers Based on Different Selects

Verint Customers by Country

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Verint Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Verint Customers by Industry

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Verint Customers by Revenue

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Verint Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


Total Contacts


Total Postal Universe


Total Emails Available


Total Phone Numbers

Companies Using Verint (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number
3M 2**1 H**so* R**d Maplewood Minnesota 55144 United States (8*8) **4-35**
Alight Solutions 4 Ov**lo** Po**t Ste 4** Lincolnshire Illinois 60069 United States (*2*) 7*7-70**
Bullhorn, Inc 1*0 S**m*r St**et **th floor Boston Massachusetts 211 United States (61*) **8-9**0

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