SAP Data Integrator Customers List

SAP Data Integrator

SAP Data Integrator

SAP Data Integrator enables the users to enhance, discover, cleanse, manage, and integrate the data from the non-SAP and SAP sources including enterprise applications, big data sources, and relational databases. It even integrates with other SAP products like master data governance, information steward, agile data preparation, power designer, and data quality management.

The key capabilities of the SAP Data Integrator are data governance, high scalability, native text data processing, high performance, intuitive interface, and built-in connectors for the non-SAP and SAP data sources. The features which it has are big data support, great functionality, enhanced support for text processing, depth integration with other products, support for message-oriented data delivery, vendor support, etc.

The benefits which the solution provides are that it delivers enterprise-class data integration performance, enhanced productivity, insight, trending, and analysis.

Companies that use Sap data integrator

Company Name Location Revenue Contact Info
Analog Devices, Inc. United States $7 Billion (781) 329-4700
Cardinal Solutions Group LLC United States <$5 Million (225) 937-6719
DAWN FOODS LIMITED United States $1 Billion (517) 789-4400
People’s United Financial Inc United States $1 Billion (203) 338-7171
Stansberry Research LLC United States $21 Million (443) 839-0986

Companies Using SAP Data Integrator, Market Share & Customers List

Data Integration Software Market Share (in %)

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Number of SAP Data Integrator Customers Based on Different Selects

SAP Data Integrator Customers by Country

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SAP Data Integrator Customers by State-wise in the USA

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SAP Data Integrator Customers by Industry

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SAP Data Integrator Customers by Revenue

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SAP Data Integrator Customers by Employee Size

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Companies Currently Using SAP Data Integrator (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country SIC Code SIC Industry
Analog Devices, Inc. * T**hno*ogy **y Norwood MA 2062 United States 3674 Semiconductors and Related Devices
Cardinal Solutions Group LLC 7**5 **ntgo*ery **ad Suite **0 Cincinnati OH 45236 United States 8748 Business Consulting Services, NEC
DAWN FOODS LIMITED 3**3 Sa**ent Ro** Jackson MI 49201 United States 2045 Prepared Flour Mixes and Doughs
People’s United Financial Inc 8*0 E**t Ma*n **reet Bridgeport CT 6604 United States 6712 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
Stansberry Research LLC 1**5 N**th **arles Str**t Baltimore MD 21201 United States 2741 Miscellaneous Publishing

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