FileMaker Customers List



FileMaker is the asset management software that enables businesses to create an application for serving as a file-sharing hub. The software helps the brands with the highest level of flexibility. It also helps in organizing contacts, invoices, projects, etc. The solution integrates a database engine with security and GUI features.

Some of the major features of FileMaker are user authorization control, script workspace, powerful encryption, SMTP server mailing, object visibility control, starter solutions, XML import, layout tools, text encryption, and user-friendly interface.

The major benefits of FileMaker software are that it offers good control over how the data is analyzed and presented. It improves communication and is a robust software. The solution is easy to integrate into the business, whether the organization is big or a small one. It provides built-in reports, helps in team sharing, and data security.

Which Companies Use FileMaker and What Are Their Names?

A Quick Glance at the List of companies That Use FileMaker

Company Name Website Revenue Location
Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN) $970 Million United States
Penguin Random House $1 Billion United States
Philips $19 Billion United States
Glidewell Dental $980 Million United States
Vans, a VF Company $355 Million United States
Harbor Freight Tools $5 Billion United States
QuikTrip $10 Billion United States

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    Companies Using FileMaker, Market Share & Customers List

    DBMS Market Share (in %)

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    Number of FileMaker Customers Based on Different Selects

    FileMaker Customers by Country

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    FileMaker Customers by State-wise in the USA

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    FileMaker Customers by Industry

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    FileMaker Customers by Revenue

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    FileMaker Customers by Employee Size

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    Records Available by Segment


    Total Contacts


    Total Postal Universe


    Total Emails Available


    Total Phone Numbers

    Companies Using FileMaker (Sample Data)

    Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number
    DGAC 7**1 G**enw*y C**ter *r Greenbelt Maryland 20770 United States (2*2) 2*9-**50
    Framestore 8*1* N*tio*al B**d Culver City CA 90232 United States (*10) 9*5-7**0
    Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Care *32* W**e F**es* Rd #*50 Raleigh NC 27609 United States (9**) 7*0-1**7
    Ruggs Benedict Carpet One Floor & Home *1* N**tin*ha* R* Avon CO 81620 United States (9*0) 3*6-6**4
    Vida Vacations P.O. Box **36* Houston Texas 77256 United States (8*6) *88-*58*

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