IBM Compose Customers List

IBM Compose

IBM Compose

IBM Compose is one of the managed databases enabling modern enterprise applications. The service provides a cluster of dedicated physical machines to the users for provisioning their databases optionally. The features which IBM Compose has are the one-click production-ready deployment of the database, scaling up of the deployment seamlessly, and expert DBAs. IBM Compose has the services which are MongoDB, this is a NoSQL document store which can be used as a database store for the web and mobile applications.

The other services which it has are Redis, this is one of the fastest and scalable data stores to be used as a persistent store for sharing by different applications, servers, etc., PostgreSQL, this can be used as an alternate for MS SQL server and Oracle, Rethink DB, this is a scalable data store for the real-time data, Rabbit MQ ,this is used as a message broker platform based on the AMQP and collects data including IoT type data, clickstream, etc., ScyllaDB, this is a NoSQL database and acts a better alternative to Cassandra, and ElasticSearch which is one of the well-known search applications used for the log search, document search and text search.

The benefits which IBM Compose provides are that it can get production-ready database within minutes, provides a single point of access, and offer high availability deployments.

Companies that use IBM Compose

Company Name Website Revenue Location
Bank of the West $1 Billion United States
Chameleon $5.6 M United States
Cuppa $5 Million United States
Riafox Inc $5 Million United States

Companies Using IBM Compose, Market Share & Customers List

DBMS Market Share (in %)

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Number of IBM Compose Customers Based on Different Selects

IBM Compose Customers by Country

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IBM Compose Customers by State-wise in the USA

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IBM Compose Customers by Industry

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IBM Compose Customers by Revenue

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IBM Compose Customers by Employee Size

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Companies Currently Using IBM Compose (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
Bank of the West 180 *ontgo*e*y St*eet San Francisco CA 94104 United States (4*5) 43*-3*9* 1*5*0 *.17 B 6411 Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service
Chameleon 12*77 * Jeffe*son Blvd Los Angeles CA 90066 United States (4*4)384-***3 78 *5.6 M 4899 Communication Services
Cuppa 3*31 *o**is St N Petersburg FL 33713 United States (7*7) 5*0-888* *3 *0.6 M 2759 Commercial Printing
Omni 2*51 El C**ino *e*l Palo Alto CA 94306 United States (*50) *00-7*88 8748 Business Consulting Services
Riafox Inc 1*9*0 * **in**ight D*, Boise ID 83713 United States (*08) 3**-4*40 *7 *.4 M 7372 Prepackaged Software

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