MongoDB Customers List



MongoDB is an open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. The non-relational database developed by MongoDB stores data for free. It’s available in the flexible format making the data easy to work by mapping objects in the application code. This model is simple for developers to learn and use, while at the same time provides all the capabilities to meet the data integrity needs. The software is a distributed database at its core, making a geographic distribution, horizontal scaling, and high availability built in and easy to use. MongoDB is a database for today’s applications and enables its users to leverage data and technology to maximize competitive advantage, Accelerates time-to-value, reduces the risk for mission-critical deployments, dramatically lowers the total cost of ownership.

MongoDB is free and is published under GNU Affero General Public License. With MongoDB, users can build applications that are impossible with traditional relational databases. The software offers fast, iterative development, it is a flexible data model, runs on a distributed platform, lowers TCO, provides long-term commitment and more.

MongoDB doesn’t require the schemas which are pre-defined, and it can store any data. Users get the flexibility for creating fields as per their requirements. MongoDB has the horizontal scalability, making it useful for running big data applications. It can support any numbers of storage engines. MongoDB includes the file system GridFS which is similar to the Hadoop distributed file system.

Companies that use MongoDB

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue Location
Verizon (212) 395-1000 $133 Billion United States
Adobe (408) 536-6000 $15 Billion United States
Buffer (415) 349-1798 $17 Million United States
Beet (248) 432-0052 $5 Million United States
Acxiom (888) 322-9466 $917 Million United States

Companies Using MongoDB, Market Share & Customers List

DBMS Market Share (in %)

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Number of MongoDB Customers Based on Different Selects

MongoDB Server Customers by Country

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MongoDB Customers by State-wise in the USA

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MongoDB Customers by Industry

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MongoDB Customers by Revenue

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MongoDB Customers by Employee Size

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Companies Using MongoDB (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
Comcast Corporation 1*** M***ET ST***T Philadelphia PA 19102 United States (***) 6*5-1*** ***000 **.5 B 4841 Cable and Other Pay Television Services
L&T Infotech Limited ***5 Li***ln H***way Suite 3004 Edison NJ 8817 United States (***) 2*8-6*** ***23 **.8 B 7379 Computer Related Services, NEC
Miracle Software Systems , Inc 4***5 Gr*** R***r Ave Novi MI 48034 United States (***) 2*3-***0 ***0 **0 M 7371 Computer Programming Services
OKAYA Inc ***9 Ex*** Dr*** N Ronkonkoma NY 11779 United States (6*1) 2*7-4*** *** ** M 7371 Computer Programming Services
Prescient Co Inc 1***1 W*** 6*** Way Arvada CO 80004 United States (***) 3*7-***4 *** ** M 8711 Engineering Services

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    The number of MongoDB customers in California is around 7,350.

    The number of available emails is 152,628.

    The companies that are using MongoDB are Miracle Software Systems, OKAYA Inc., Comcast Corporation, Prescient Co Inc., L&T Infotech Limited.

    The number of companies that are using MongoDB is 52,874.

    Computer software industry is the largest MongoDB customer with 45.5% followed by IT with 20.6%.

    The companies using MongoDB are OKAYA Inc., Miracle Software Systems, L&T Infotech Limited, Comcast Corporation, Prescient Co Inc. and others.

    The big companies which use MongoDB are eBay, Nokia, Adobe, Cisco, Facebook, Google, Verizon, EA.

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