AdvancedMD Customers List



The solution is managed on Amazon Web Services. The different features of AdvancedMD are smart EHR dashboard, reporting and analytics, personal telemedicine, patient portal, reputation management, appointment reminders, etc. It offers a unified workflow, and the best security solution. It is a cloud-hosted software.

The software offers a flexible outsourced billing option. It supports staff, physicians with comprehensive solutions. AdvancedMD is considered one of the best for large practices. It can even send reminders, and the required medical advice to the patients and the clinicians.

The benefits of using AdvancedMD are it has a mobile app, and the user can also integrate the patient encounter documentation. It even has the physician dashboard, where one can view the daily schedules, patient care schedule and many more. The solution can smartly automate the paperwork, which means transferring the manual tasks into automated ones. It significantly reduces medical errors as it gives the real-time data at the right time. When the user has immediate access to the real-time data, it becomes easy for them to work out in an efficient way. It doesn’t execute the coding services, which could be a drawback for the AdvancedMD customers. The internal messaging system rightly helps the employees to take action at the right time.

It has the revenue cycle management feature that includes access to the EMR software and the practice management platform. The solution is helpful for mid-sized and small businesses. The supported devices are Windows, Android, Mac, Web-based, iPhone, Linux, other systems and the devices.

Companies that use AdvancedMD

Company Name Website Location Revenue Contact Info
Cooper University Health Care United States $1 Billion (856) 361-1697
SYNERGEN Health United States $292 Million (214) 643-6002
Riverchase United States $5 Million (916) 462-6888
Practice Management Resource Group United States $10 Million (708) 623-8200

Companies Using Electronic Health Records, Market Share & Customers List

Electronic Health Records Software Market Share (in %)

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Number of AdvancedMD Customers Based on Different Selects

AdvancedMD Customers by Country

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AdvancedMD Customers by State-wise in the USA

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AdvancedMD Customers by Industry

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AdvancedMD Customers by Revenue

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AdvancedMD Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


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Companies Currently Using AdvancedMD (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number
Center for Balanced Health 4** M*d**on Ave*e 1**h Flo** New York NY 10017 United States (2**) *59-**00
La Loma Medical Office 3**2 I**ern**ional Bou**var* Su**e **2 Oakland CA 94601 United States (5**) 2*1-16**
Stat Care inc 10**3 Ric**ond A**nue S**te **0 Houston TX 77042 United States (**3) 7**-78**
The Pain Care Center 2**0 **mme**ial W*y Suite ** Rock Springs WY 82901 United States (3*7) 2*2-6**0
Creative Health Solutions 3**0 J*rm**town Road Suite 2** Fairfax VA 22030 United States (70*) 9*0-**06

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