MicroMD Customers List



MicroMD is an EHR software that helps in health management. It helps in different services such as digital patient intake, practice management, clinical decision support, telehealth video visits, e-prescription, and many more. The software delivers superior patient care by automating the reporting activities and streamlining the operations for the user’s benefit. It offers a good configurable suite of applications. The software helps in scheduling tools, streamlining the tasks, and other registration features. The crucial features of the software are HIPPA compliant, billing features, advanced security, scheduling and reporting tools, ICD-10 functionality, integration properties, and others. It is a fully-featured medical software that offers claims management, advanced scheduling, reporting and much more. The software offers a unique value proposition, with a range of services such as registration, scheduling, community health, billing, reporting, and others.

The benefits of MicroMD are it optimizes the office workflow, increases focus on patient care, improves clinical outcomes, improves relationship with patient and physician, streamlines the administrative tasks, and others. MicroMD is widely used by the small and mid-sized businesses to large enterprises. It works on different devices and OS such as web-based, Windows, and Mac. It has different deployment such as on premise and cloud hosted. Clients can choose from different packages depending on the budget and needs of the organization. The solution helps select assessments, enter the orders and then capture the quality data.

The capabilities of MicroMD EMR are that it helps in anesthesia billing, claims management, appointments, scheduling, patient registration, and others. The solution helps reduce the rejections and then improve the cash flow by the scrubbing claims even before they are submitted. It even helps expand the in-house billing capabilities with the right tools, estimating the patient costs pre-service, and utilizing the complete work lists.

Companies that use MicroMD

Company Name Website Revenue Location
Eating Recovery Center www.eatingrecoverycenter.com (303) 731-8199 United States
Emanate Health www.emanatehealth.org (626) 331-7331 United States
Henry Schein www.henryschein.com (631) 843-5500 United States
The Medcor Group www.medcorinc.com (888) 661-7746 United States
Medical Practice Management Solutions www.mpmswv.com (304) 955-6200 United States

Companies Using Electronic Health Records, Market Share & Customers List

Electronic Health Records Software Market Share (in %)

No Data Found

Number of MicroMD Customers Based on Different Selects

MicroMD Customers by Country

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MicroMD Customers by State-wise in the USA

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MicroMD Customers by Industry

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MicroMD Customers by Revenue

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MicroMD Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


Total Contacts


Total Postal Universe


Total Emails Available


Total Phone Numbers

Companies Currently Using MicroMD (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number
Children’s Medical Group www.childrensmedgroup.com 26-** Cor**ral Ke*edy Str*e* Bayside NY 11360 United States (8*5) **2-1**0
Blood and Cancer Center of Canfield www.regionalbccenter.com **95 Boa**m*n-Can**eld *oad Canfield OH 44406 United States (3**) **3-3*40
Community Partners HealthNet www.cphealthnet.org 3*1 M*K J*. **rkw*y Snow Hill NC 28580 United States (**2) *47-**54
Boulder Institute for Sports Medicine www.boulderinstitute.com 3**0 C**ter G**en **ive Boulder CO 80301 United States (3*3) 4*9-8*0*
Hospital & Health Care www.hcahealthcare.com O** **rk P-az* Nashville TN 37203 United States (61*) 34*-95*1

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