Ab Initio Customers List


Ab Initio

Ab Initio software is specialized in high volume data processing application and enterprise application integration. It provides a wide range of critical applications that includes Data warehousing (ETL), customer relationship management, real-time analytics and enterprise application integration.

The Ab Initio product components include CO operating system which delivers platform-independent data transportation and can run on a variety of operating systems. Then there is component Library, which is a set of software modules that can perform the ETL functions like loading/unloading from different sources, sorting the data, data transformation amongst others. This also includes tasks like checksum computation, multi-stage aggregation, etc. The graphical development environment is there to create Ab Initio applications which have drag and drop feature thus connecting the components into executable flowcharts.

Its main benefits are that it reduces the complexity of the IT framework in an organization, resulting in improved flexibility, scalability and efficiency. It also supports new initiatives by the organization.

Companies that use Ab Initio

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue
Wells Fargo www.wellsfargo.com (866) 249-3302 $16 Billion
JPMorgan Chase www.jpmorganchase.com (212) 270-6000 $130 Billion
Travelers www.travelers.com (917) 778-6000 $34 Billion
Citi www.citigroup.com (212) 559-1000 $75 Billion
Capital One www.capitalone.com (703) 720-1000 $32 Billion

Companies Using Ab Initio, Market Share & Customers List

Enterprise Applications Market Share (in %)

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Number of Ab Initio Customers Based on Different Selects

Ab Initio Customers by Country

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Ab Initio Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Ab Initio Customers by Industry

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Ab Initio Customers by Revenue

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Ab Initio Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


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Companies Currently Using Ab Initio (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address Line 1 City State ZIP Code Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Description
Allstate www.allstate.com *775 S*nd*rs R**d Northbrook IL 60062 United States (84*) 402-5*00 *2,*80 *8.5 B 6411 Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service
Capital One www.capitalone.com 16*0 C*pit*l *n* Driv* McLean VA 22102 United States (*0*) *20-*00* *9,300 *0 B 6712 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
TransUnion www.transunion.com 5*5 W *d*ms Str**t Chicago IL 60661 United States (**2) 9*5-2*00 5,*00 *.9 B 7323 Credit Reporting Services
Travelers www.travelers.com 4*5 L*xingt*n *v*nu* New York City NY 10017 United States (9**) **8-6*0* *0,*00 *8.9 B 6411 Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service
Wells Fargo www.wellsfargo.com 4*0 M*ntg*m*ry Str**t San Francisco CA 94163 United States (4*5) *96-**52 *62,*00 *7.7 B 6411 Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service

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