Epicor ERP Customers List

Epicor ERP

Epicor ERP

Epicor ERP is global ERP solution software that delivers the choice, agility, and flexibility to drive growth and opportunity throughout your business. It is designed to help organizations to take advantage of the changing economic tide. The software is available in hosted, on-premise, or in the cloud as a software as a service (SaaS) solution. It is built on 100% Microsoft technology for maximum access and mobile workers. Epicor is tailored to help mid-sized organizations, divisions, subsidiaries to maximize their most important resources for profitable growth. It is available for multiple industry sectors like distribution, services, manufacturing, hospitality, and retail.

Epicor ERP is single, end-to-end software solution for businesses that offer an extensible approach with robust capabilities focused on reducing costs, improving customer responsiveness. It streamlines processes across the enterprises for all top priorities towards achieving continued growth and profitability. The benefits that Epicor customers get are it leverages core functionality used by thousands of manufacturers with one integrated solution to manage their business. The software is cloud-based, on-demand ERP and is fully multi-tenant, and based on a service-oriented architecture (SOA) allowing multiple users to share the same application instance while their data is kept separate from one another. As Epicor Cloud ERP software is hosted in the cloud, it can be accessed from anywhere on any Internet-enabled device. Connect with Epicor customers with our Epicor ERP customers list.

Companies that use Epicor ERP

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue Location
ZOLL Medical Corporation www.zoll.com (978) 421-9655 $801 Million United States
Kadant Inc www.kadant.com (978) 776-2000 $736 Million United States
Teledyne Technologies Inc www.teledyne.com (805) 373-4545 $4 Billion United States
Dynetics, Inc www.dynetics.com (256) 964-4000 $678 Million United States
Corning Incorporated www.corning.com (607) 974-9000 $14 Billion United States

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    Companies Using Epicor ERP, Market Share & Customers List

    ERP Market Share (in %)

    ERP Software Market Share (%)
    SAP ERP 24%
    Oracle ERP Cloud 16%
    Microsoft Dynamics 365 14%
    Infor ERP 8%
    Sage X3 6%
    Epicor ERP 5%
    NetSuite ERP 5%
    Odoo 4%
    IFS Applications 3%
    Workday 2%
    Others 13%

    Number of Epicor ERP Customers Based on Different Selects

    Country No. of Customers
    United States 12923
    United Kingdom 1243
    Canada 1097
    Australia 427
    India 146
    France 97
    Mexico 97
    United Arab Emirates 97
    Ireland 78
    Netherlands 68
    State No. of Customers
    New York 1352
    Florida 1235
    Georgia 879
    Texas 867
    Washington 816
    California 697
    Illinois 592
    Alabama 526
    Utah 498
    Mississippi 424
    New Hampshire 422
    Arkansas 417
    Connecticut 404
    New Jersey 399
    Kansas 394
    Wisconsin 307
    District of Columbia 305
    Virgin Islands 289
    Indiana 275
    Virginia 267
    Arizona 266
    Idaho 236
    Vermont 225
    Delaware 222
    Iowa 198
    Rhode Island 198
    Alaska 197
    Pennsylvania 197
    West Virginia 195
    Nevada 193
    Kentucky 192
    North Dakota 192
    South Dakota 192
    Maryland 189
    New Mexico 178
    Colorado 168
    Tennessee 164
    Hawaii 159
    South Carolina 151
    Massachusetts 144
    Louisiana 127
    Minnesota 126
    Ohio 121
    Missouri 119
    Michigan 110
    Wyoming 84
    Oklahoma 81
    Montana 79
    Maine 76
    Oregon 56
    Nebraska 39
    North Carolina 20
    Puerto Rico 14
    Industry No. of Companies
    Staffing and Recruiting 2998
    Machinery 2981
    Computer Hardware 2042
    Information Technology and Services 1746
    Computer Software 1713
    Mining & Metals 1565
    Wholesale 939
    Aviation & Aerospace 791
    Medical Devices 757
    Retail 741
    Revenue (in USD) No. of Companies
    0M-1M 809
    1M-10M 4483
    10M-50M 5691
    50M-100M 1586
    100M-200M 1008
    200M-1000M 1368
    >1000M 1328
    Employee Size No. of Customers
    1-10 1556
    11-50 2987
    51-200 5337
    201-500 2674
    501-1000 1212
    1001-5000 1379
    5001-10000 345
    >10000 783

    Records Available by Segment


    Total Contacts


    Total Postal Universe


    Total Emails Available


    Total Phone Numbers

    Companies Using Epicor ERP (Sample Data)

    Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
    Charlotte County Sheriffs Office ccso.org 7**4 Ut***ties Road Punta Gorda FL 33982 United States (**1) 639-2**1 **00 9221 Police Protection
    ENPRESS LLC enpress.com ***99 Curtis Blvd Eastlake OH 44095 United States (**0) 510-**08 **5 ** M 3089 Plastics Products
    Fibrebond fibrebond.com **00 Davenport Dr Minden LA 71055 United States (8**) 824-26** **0 ** M 1741 Masonry, Stone Setting, and Other Stone Work
    National Importers nationalimporters.com 1**00 Mi***ell Rd Unit *** Richmond BC V6V 1M8 Canada (6**) 3*4-1*51 *7* ** M 5141 Groceries, General Line
    Rutland Plastics rutlandplastics.co.uk *old O***ton Rd Oakham LE15 6NU United Kingdom 44 15***2***6 **5 ** M 2821 Plastic Materials, Synth Resins & Nonvulcan Elastomers

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