Microsoft Dynamics SL Customers List

Microsoft Dynamics SL

Microsoft Dynamics SL

MS Dynamics SL is one of the leading ERP solutions beneficial for the small and mid-sized companies. It offers all the modules which other ERP’s provide, but is mainly helpful for service and project focused companies. It can be deployed on cloud or on-premise solution. MS Dynamics SL enables a process where it becomes easier to manage finances, projects, people, etc. The advantages it provides are, it supports in calculating a precise budget, finance, along with other estimation. MS Dynamics SL tracks projects and its performance and also provides the required solutions to distributors such as sales order, inventory, requisitions, billing, etc. There is also a feature of delivering quick custom reports and dashboards with real-time data. The dynamic reporting along with power BI offers the best solutions to the small and mid-sized organizations. MS Dynamics SL automates the daily processes thus improving business operations.

MS Dynamics SL is uniquely designed to meet the requirements of industries like engineering and professional services, construction, and government contracting. Construction projects can achieve the lowered costs, fewer delays with better project management. For the government contractors, it provides a functionality meeting the guidelines of DCAA (Defense Contract Audit Agency). MS Dynamics SL offers customized formats of billing and allocations for professional services. It has much more to offer to businesses like high-level of management, customization, and in-depth functionality.

Which companies using MS Dynamics SL?

Below are the list of companies using MS Dynamics SL:

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue
Mauser Packaging Solutions (800) 527-2267 $3 Billion
Carrier Global Corporation (561) 365-2000 $20 Billion
Genuine Parts Company (678) 934-5000 $18 Billion
Christensen Farms (507) 794-5310 $543 Million
Option Care Health Inc (866) 827-8203 $3 Billion

Companies Using Microsoft Dynamics SL, Market Share & Customers List

ERP Market Share (in %)

ERP Software Market Share (%)
Oracle ERP Cloud 16%
Microsoft Dynamics 365 14%
Infor ERP 8%
Sage X3 6%
Epicor ERP 5%
NetSuite ERP 5%
Odoo 4%
IFS Applications 3%
Workday 2%
Others 13%

Number of Microsoft Dynamics SL Customers Based on Different Selects

Country No. of Customers
United States 5277
Canada 197
United Kingdom 193
Mexico 115
Australia 78
India 45
France 37
Argentina 30
Chile 30
Germany 26
State No. of Customers
California 1357
New York 794
Texas 786
Florida 683
Pennsylvania 112
Massachusetts 109
New Jersey 107
Virginia 102
Georgia 100
Washington 99
Puerto Rico 98
South Dakota 97
Mississippi 95
Oregon 89
Idaho 87
Illinois 86
Ohio 84
Rhode Island 81
New Mexico 80
Michigan 79
New Hampshire 77
Nevada 74
Tennessee 74
Delaware 73
Oklahoma 73
Vermont 73
Wisconsin 73
Alabama 71
Missouri 70
Montana 69
Arizona 68
Louisiana 66
North Carolina 64
Minnesota 63
Arkansas 62
Nebraska 60
Maine 59
Wyoming 58
District of Columbia 56
Connecticut 55
South Carolina 55
Utah 53
Virgin Islands 50
West Virginia 50
Iowa 49
Kansas 49
Kentucky 47
North Dakota 47
Alaska 44
Maryland 44
Indiana 36
Colorado 34
Hawaii 34
Industry No. of Companies
Computer Software 1515
Staffing and Recruiting 884
Hospital & Health Care 670
Construction 598
Information Technology and Services 592
Nonprofit Organization Management 514
Management Consulting 429
Financial Services 377
Civic & Social Organization 241
Computer Hardware 208
Revenue (in USD) No. of Companies
0M-1M 329
1M-10M 1504
10M-50M 1938
50M-100M 688
100M-200M 490
200M-1000M 572
>1000M 505
Employee Size No. of Customers
1-10 506
11-50 1017
51-200 1762
201-500 955
501-1000 564
1001-5000 658
5001-10000 159
>10000 405

Records Available by Segment


Total Contacts


Total Postal Universe


Total Emails Available


Total Phone Numbers

Companies Using Microsoft Dynamics SL (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
CBS Radio 1*71 *ve*ue *f *mer*c*s *4Th Floor New York City NY 10020 United States (2*2) 649-96** 3,*00 *.2 B 5731 Radio, Television, and Consumer Electronics Stores
Charter Schools USA 8*0 C*rp*r*te Dr*ve Fort Lauderdale FL 33334 United States (9*4) 2*2-35** 8** 8299 Schools and Educational Services
Dependable Cleaners *20 Qu**cy *ve*ue Quincy MA 2169 United States (6*7) 77*-9*3* *58 *7.5 M 2842 Specialty Cleaning, Polishing
National Association of Social Workers *50 F*rst Street *E Suite 80* Washington DC 20002 United States (2*2) 4*8-86** **0 8399 Social Services
Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. 22*0 Pe**sylv**** *ve*ue *W Suite 3*0E Washington DC 20037 United States (2*2) 734-34** *73 *6*.1 M 2834 Pharmaceutical Preparations

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