SAP R/3 Customers List



SAP R/3, the enterprise resource planning software that is designed for coordinating different information, resource for fulfilling different business process such as the HRM, fulfillment of order, and the production planning. The SAP ERP central component is the core component within the suite of SAP and has different modules that includes warehouse management, finance, HR, which are present in the ERP central component.

The main advantages of SAP R/3 is its three tier architecture, which provides features like scalability, interoperability, and transparency. The scalability feature helps to add the machines in the tier for supporting many users. The transparency feature helps to interacting with the third-party products, while the interoperability feature helps in using different platforms in all the levels.

The benefits of using SAP R/3 is that helps in customization for the enhancement of the application. It helps to support different functional areas such as PLM, HCM, SRM, FI-CO, and the web-based technology. The most important benefit which an organization will get is that it helps to improve the efficiency, productivity, and to reduce the risk. The technology helps to increase ROI by reducing the complexity in the organizational process, resulting in the better business outcome for the company.

Companies that use SAP R/3

Company Name Website Contact Number Revenue
BP (888) 397-1520 $208 Billion
Levi Strauss and Company (800) 872-5384 $5 Billion
NXP Semiconductors (847) 843-6810 $11 Billion
Optimal Solutions Inc (703) 230-7800 $5 Million
Reserve Consultants LLC (206) 523-3248 $5 Million

Companies Using SAP R/3, Market Share & Customers List

ERP Market Share (in %)

As per Gartner, SAP has 24% ERP market share, with other competitors like Oracle having 12%, Sage 6%, Infor 6%, Microsoft 5%, and others 37%. Almost all the end-users in the ERP software market includes small, mid-sized, and large enterprises. The global ERP market share is expected to generate $41.69 billion by the year 2020.

No Data Found

Company Name Market Share
SAP 24.00%
Oracle 12.00%
Sage 6.00%
Infor 6.00%
Microsoft 5.00%
Kronos 3.00%
Concur 3.00%
IBM 2.00%
Totus 2.00%
Yongyou 1.00%
Others 37.00%

Number of SAP R/3 Customers Based on Different Selects

SAP R/3 Customers by Country

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SAP R/3 Customers by State-wise in the USA

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SAP R/3 Customers by Industry

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SAP R/3 Customers by Revenue

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SAP R/3 Customers by Employee Size

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Records Available by Segment


Total Contacts


Total Postal Universe


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Total Phone Numbers

Companies Using SAP R/3 (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number
3R Info **40 N C**ton C**ter R**d Suite **5 Canton MI 48187 United States (*34)-**4-*3**
Itech Informatix **80* O**dal* C**tre Union City CA 94587 United States (40*)-6*6-**55
Otis IT Inc 35** S**vers**e **ad Suite 1* Wilmington DE 19810 United States (3*2)-**4-*4*0
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company **11* S**ttsl**n **ad Marysville OH 43040 United States (*37)-**4-0**1
Whirlpool Corporation Benton Harbor Tech Center 1*1 R**er**ew D**ve Benton Harbor MI 49022 United States (26*) *23-**0*
World of Coca-Cola **1 B**er St *W Atlanta GA 30313 United States (**4) 6*6-**51

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