
How can Marketing Automation drive sales engagement? [Infographic]

  • Sep 04, 2019
  • Posted By: Robert Jordan
  • Category: Infographics

How can Marketing Automation drive sales engagement

Top 10 reasons for using marketing automation

  • Manages marketing processes + multi-functional campaigns across different channels
  • Collects a 360-degree view of each customer
  • Helps B2B companies to engage with prospects
  • Identifies the hottest leads
  • Nurtures cooler leads to make them sales-ready
  • Delivers personalized experience across varied channels
  • Facilitates data-driven decisions
  • Targets buyers at each buying stage
  • 95% of the companies reportedly received some benefit from it
  • 44% of market leaders believe automation as a crucial skill by 2020

It helps to target customers across

  • Web
  • Text
  • Social
  • Email

Marketing Automation helps in

  • Saving time and resources
  • Driving revenue
  • Increasing ROI

4 steps towards automation

  • Identifying the right task
  • Selecting the right automation software
  • Training the team
  • Evaluating automation effectiveness

Main users of marketing automation

  • Marketing Director
  • CMO, Marketing Manager
  • Social Media Manager
  • Email Marketer

Four pillars to success in ABM involves marketing automation

  • Identifying the right accounts
  • Measuring and optimizing campaign performance
  • Improving customer engagement
  • Aligning sales and marketing

Differences between marketing automation user & non-marketing automation user

Marketing Automation user

  • 62% data sourced from marketing
  • 84% time spent on selling

Non-marketing Automation user

  • 51% data sourced from marketing
  • 67% time spent on selling

Benefits of using Marketing Automation

  • It drives a 14.5% increase in sales
  • It reduces the marketing overhead by 12.2%
  • 20% increase in the sales opportunities
  • 451% increase in the qualified leads

5 key marketing automation platforms