Kronos Workforce HR Customers List

Kronos Workforce HR

Kronos Workforce HR

Kronos Workforce HR is a management process that gives employees self-service capabilities so users can wisely manage onboarding, compliance and benefits administration. The software improves HR productivity as they are given access to information of employees when they need a single employee record. This enhances efficiency and increases decision making for more effective workforce management. Kronos Workforce HR is often integrated with Kronos HR Payroll to help an organization with an innovative solution that provides high-quality information and complete automation, allowing organizations to save on cost, improve productivity, minimize compliance risks and at the same time reduces the overall cost of ownership.

Though Kronos Workforce HR and Payroll come along with integrated self-capabilities, they offer seamless access and play different roles. Workforce HR automates administrative processes and provides access to the HR team to reduce errors and consistently enforce policies that build businesses. It does applicant tracking, manages employee data, tracks training, benefits management, administers attendance and configures employee profiles. Workforce Payroll manages all business complexity and governs payment of wages, bonuses, and other compensation. Here payroll handles compensation, deduction, automates gross net calculations, tax filing, handles support on mobile and tablet. Both Workforce HR and Payroll services together provide seamless access and benefits by connecting managers to their employees and employees to their managers.

Companies that use Kronos Workforce HR

Company Name Website Location Revenue
Delaware North Companies United States $7 Billion
Fossil United States $22 Million
Goodwill of Central and Northern Arizona United States $162 Million
Holland Home United States $62 Million
Kindred Healthcare United States $3Million

Companies Using Kronos Workforce HR, Market Share & Customers List

HRMS Market Share (in %)

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Number of Kronos Workforce HR Customers Based on Different Selects

Kronos Workforce HR Customers by Country

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Kronos Workforce HR Customers by State-wise in the USA

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Kronos Workforce HR Customers by Industry

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Kronos Workforce HR Customers by Revenue

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Kronos Workforce HR Customers by Employee Size

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Companies that Use Kronos Workforce HR (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
Delaware North Companies *** Delaware **** Buffalo NY 14202 United States (**6) 8**-5*** **40** ****.2 B 5812 Retail-Eating Places
Fossil *** S Central **** Richardson TX 75080 United States (**2) **4-***5 **2*** ****.8 B 3873 Watches, Clocks, Clockwork Operated Devices and Parts
Goodwill of Central and Northern Arizona *** W. Be**l ***** Phoenix AZ 85021 United States (***) 5*6-4*** 3**** **** 5932 Used Merchandise Stores
Holland Home **** Raybrook**** Suite 3*** Grand Rapids MI 49546 United States (6**) **5-5*** 3*** *** 8059 Nursing and Personal Care Facilities
Kindred Healthcare *** South ***** Louisville KY 40202 United States (5**) **6-***0 *3**0 **.2 B 8051 Skilled nursing care facilities

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    The companies that use Kronos are SMS Holdings, Fossil, Holland Home, Lipari Foods, Delaware North Companies, Kindred Healthcare, Maimonides Medical Center among others.

    The number of companies using Kronos is around 3,759.

    Kronos Workforce HR has a market share of 3%.

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