WordPress Customers List



WordPress is a free, open source CMS software written in PHP and My SQL. It is an easy to use content management system designed for everyone who is emphasizing accessibility, security, and performance. This flexible CMS software powers over 50.6% of all the online sites making it one of the leading CMS platform. WordPress is a simple and easy to use platform that can be used by users to build and design a website even without any prior knowledge of coding. They are ideal for developing online portfolios, news sites, affiliate websites, e-commerce stores, business sites, community hubs, blogging sits and many more.

The most popular website management tool supports more than 60 million websites worldwide with more than thousands of widgets, plugins, and themes that enable users to build any website one can imagine. WordPress helps improve WordPress SEO and get more organic traffic. Users of WordPress may also install and switch among different tools allowing them to change the look without altering the site content or the code. WordPress is popular and advantageous. It is browser-based and can be managed or logged in from any internet connected computer. The software is a self-contained system that does not require any HTML editing software. Known for its simplicity, search engines love WordPress sites as it is easy to read and index site content. This site can also set up multiple users, assign access levels and capabilities to each other.

Companies that use WordPress

Company Name Website Contact Info Revenue
Time www.time.com (212) 522-1212 $958 Million
CNN www.cnn.com (404) 878-2276 $1 Billion
Rolling Stone www.rollingstone.com (212) 484-1616 $195 Million
Wired www.wired.com (212) 286-2860 $18 Million
Mashable www.mashable.com (212) 503-3500 $63 Million

Companies Using WordPress, Market Share & Customers List

Content Management System Market Share (in %)

No Data Found

Number of WordPress Customers Based on Different Selects

WordPress Customers by Country

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WordPress Customers by State-wise in the USA

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WordPress Customers by Industry

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WordPress Customers by Revenue

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WordPress Customers by Employee Size

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Total Contacts


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Companies Currently Using WordPress (Sample Data)

Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zipcode Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Size (USD) SIC Code SIC Industry
Bibliomation Inc. biblio.org *** Wooster ****** Waterbury CT 6708 United States (***) **7-4*** **7 *** 7389 Nonprofit Business Associations
Delta Air Lines delta.com **3* Delta ****** Atlanta GA 30320 United States (***) 7**-2*** 8***0 *** B 4111 Airport Transportation Service
Mercy Corps mercycorps.com ** Sw An***y ******t Portland OR 97204 United States (**3) **6-5*** 3*** *** 8322 Individual And Family Services
Social Venture Network svn.org ***6 Torney ****** S***e * San Francisco CA 94129 United States (***) **1-***1 1*** *** 8399 Nonprofit Organization Management
Sony Pictures Entertainment sonypictures.com 1***2 West Washington ****** Culver City CA 90232 United States (***) **4-4*** 7*** **.1 B 7812 Motion Picture and Video Tape Production

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